Eternal Judgment Study

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Eternal Judgment Study. Few people and even Christians know what the Scriptures teach concerning eternal judgment. We take a good look into the teaching of the Bible to see what Jesus said, what Paul said, and what others directed by the Holy Spirit had to say about ETERNAL JUDGMENT.  ETERNAL JUDGMENT STUDY 1. Eternal Judgment …

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Acts Chapters 1-2 Study

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Acts Chapters 1-2 Study is a short study looking at the few days Jesus spent with His disciples after the resurrection and what Jesus told them. Then we take a look at the Ascension of Christ and the events immediately following. Finally, we investigate the Day of Pentecost. What an amazing day it was! There …

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Financial Liberty Series

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Financial Liberty Series. Finances are a huge part of life, but should not be a difficult part of life and will not be if done God’s way. Money should be our friend because it talks. Should we invest some money? Jesus said we should if we want our money to work for us and us …

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Building A Home Or Hell Study 3

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Building A Home Or Hell Study 3 is an in-depth study of Home and Family. We deal with marriage, children’s singleness, and sex in the marriage. This study is taken from the Scriptures and years of marriage. It’s more than making a marriage work. This study is about making a home work. BUILDING A HOME …

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Get Naked Not Ashamed

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Get Naked Not Ashamed. Within the heart of a man is a desire to cleave to his wife. God put it there. Every woman desires to be held, desired, and told how beautiful she is. Mankind was not created to be ashamed of their nakedness. Sexual desire properly channeled is good, not evil. Sex in …

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Achieving Your Singleness First

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Achieving Your Singleness First. It’s not good to be alone, but it’s not good for everyone to be married. Society has pressed young people into thinking they should get married quickly. The truth is first people need to figure out who they are, what they are here to do, and love themselves before they marry. …

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Can You Do Anything With My Child 2

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Can You Do Anything With My Child 2? Can You Do Anything With My Child 2? What does it mean to train a child in the way he or she should go? Of all the things this could mean one part is certainly training them to hear parents properly dedicated to the Lord. We are …

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Can You Do Anything With My Child

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Can You Do Anything With My Child? What does it mean to train up a child? Why do we train up a child? What’s the benefit? The primary thing we train a child to do is to listen to us and obey us. Children must be dedicated to God but also dedicated to their parents. …

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Sit Down And Shut Up

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Sit Down And Shut Up. Women today have lost the art of submission and quietness. Brawling, nagging, and contentious women tear their own homes down while meek and quiet spirited women build their homes up. Sit Down And Shut Up Sit Down And Shut Up Audio Hosea 4:6 KJV and NIV 6 My people are …

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She Wants You Husband

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

She Wants You Husband. What are some basic things I need to know about my marriage. Marriage is not built on love. A home is built upon wisdom. A major component of a successful happy home is fearing the Lord. She Wants You Husband She Wants You Husband Audio Hosea 4:6 KJV and NIV 6 …

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