Coming Of The Lord Part 3 Audio

Coming Of The Lord Audio Series

Coming Of The Lord Part 3. The Thessalonians believed Jesus would come back in days. They asked Paul what happened to those who had died and the Lord had not returned. Would they never see them again? Paul explains the Lord will bring them when He comes and they will see their loved ones again …

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Coming Of The Lord Part 4 Audio

Coming Of The Lord Audio Series

Coming Of The Lord Part 4 – the word “coming” means arrival or presence. We find where we’ve been taught about the “rapture” it’s actually talking about the Lord’s coming. We meet the Lord as we do a dignitary, but it’s about his coming, not our going. Coming Of The Lord Part 4 Audio Audio …

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Coming Of The Lord Part 2 Audio

Coming Of The Lord Audio Series

Coming Of The Lord Part 2 There is darkness and light in the earth at the same time. The pre-tribulation rapture is exposed. The church is the Israel of God, the elect, and the New Jerusalem. Coming Of The Lord Part 2 Audio Coming Of The Lord Part 2 Teaching Scriptures Mark 7:13 Making the …

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Coming Of The Lord Part 1 Audio

Coming Of The Lord Audio Series

Coming Of The Lord Part 1 – It is necessary we understand the purposes of the church. It is to be the seed from Genesis 1:26-28 who will crush the serpent’s head and be the full-grown beautiful bride of Christ. It is to be the perfect (mature) body of Christ. Coming Of The Lord Part …

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