Galatians Part 4: How to Recognize True Gospel Ministry

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Galatians Part 4: How to Recognize True Gospel Ministry—audio. Galatians Part 4 explores Paul’s acceptance by other apostles. Learn the value of diverse ministry approaches in reaching different people groups. Paul continued his autobiography. There is one gospel; however, it was ministered one way to the Jews and a different way to the Gentiles. It’s …

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Making Money Work For You Audio

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Making Money Work For You. Every believer should desire to be a millionaire. The Lord gave us each some amount of money. He expects us to take it and compound it for His sake. When we do not what we have is taken from us and given to those who have and will compound it. …

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How We Invest Money Audio

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How We Invest Money. God wants us to take money and make money. The funds we make are to be used to occupy until Jesus returns. How do we invest money? How do we compound money? We are a channel for money. However, when we want money for nothing other than ourselves it’s greed. How …

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Make Friends With Unrighteous Money Audio

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Make Friends With Unrighteous Money. Cash is a good thing. Money will talk and will be good to you. However, we don’t serve currency. God wants His people to prosper, and He desires large amounts of money to flow through your hands. We have the mind of Christ, but what is a large amount of …

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Galatians Part 3 God Reveals Christ To Us

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Galatians Part 3 God Reveals Christ To Us. Paul was trained by the grace (enablement) of God all his life. Paul said he ravaged the church, but one day God called Paul and revealed His Son Jesus Christ to Paul. It wasn’t Paul, or we, who decide one day to come to Christ. Scripturally, a …

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Finances Gods Way 8-1-1 Audio

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Finances Gods Way 8-1-1. The majority of Christians are in financial bondage. There are actually 3 separate tithes in Scripture. Jesus Christ Himself said, “You ought to tithe,” so tithing is New Testament. We see tithing was before, during, and after the Law. God’s Financial System The first principle of getting out of financial difficulties …

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You Must Be Born Again Audio

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You Must Be Born Again. How could Nicodemus be born again before Jesus died, i.e. before the cross, i.e. before it was possible to be born again in Jesus Christ? Nicodemus was a very Scriptural person. He was very conservative. We would see him today as a very knowledgeable, religious teacher/preacher. Nicodemus didn’t understand what …

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Galatians Study Audio

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Galatians Study Audio – “The Galatian churches came into being as a result of Paul’s missionary labors. Therefore the apostle was especially exercised in spirit when he learned Jewish Christian agitators had circulated among these Gentile converts seeking to impose circumcision and the burden of the Mosaic law upon teaching the Galatians the Law of …

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Galatians Part 2 Audio

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Galatians Part 2. This is a look at Galatians 1-10 the salutation v 1-5 and the accursing v 6-10 which is the theme of the book. We’ll see why Jesus gave Himself and what it means for Jesus to deliver us from this evil world. Galatians Part 2 Audio. Did you know we can be …

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Portrait Of A Fool Audio

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Portrait Of A Fool. Greed makes us morons. There is an eternal effect to greed. We are to beware of greed. It will get into our souls, our souls will be required of us, and then who will own what we thought more important than God? It’s interesting God requires our souls. What are we …

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