Abraham Acquaintance Or Friend: How to Embrace Divine Visitation

Abraham and Isaac - The Ultimate Love and Terror Sacrifice

Abraham Acquaintance Or Friend: How to Embrace Divine Visitation notes. Three times in the scriptures, Abraham is called the friend of God. The Lord would visit Abraham, and then Abraham, through his altar, would visit the Lord. What kind of friend is it who never visits? Surely not a very close friend. No relationship is …

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WHAT IF? Reflecting on the Importance of Veterans

WHAT IF? Veteran's Day

WHAT IF? Veteran’s Day sermon notes. What if America had no veterans? What if we didn’t have people who would serve our nation to the extent of giving their lives if necessary? Think about what would life be like today in America. What would life be like today in the world? I also want to …

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To Die For: Reflecting on the Ideal of Independence Day

To Die For 4th of July Independence Day sermon notes

To Die For 4th of July Independence Day sermon notes. They gave allegiance to each other for the ideal of this nation. They were willing to die for the ideal and many did and have died since. My title today is To Die For. Independence Day By Pastor Delbert Young To Die For: Reflecting on …

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Never Forget: Commemorating Wounded Personal Pearl Harbors

wounded and personal pearl harbors

Wounded Personal Pearl Harbors Veterans Day audio notes. Recognition and admiration of our Veterans. Thank you for serving and giving so we in America can experience a life unknown to the remaining world. Never Forget: Commemorating Wounded Personal Pearl Harbors By Delbert Young Audio . Never Forget: Commemorating Wounded Personal Pearl Harbors Scriptures: Revelation 12:7, …

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What Are They Saying: Reflecting on the High Price of Freedom

Listen What Are They Saying

Listen What Are They Saying Memorial Day audio video notes. Chickamauga Battlefield is full of memorials. God loves memorials especially when memorials are about freedom and life. God remembers when… Memorial Day by Delbert Young What Are They Saying: Reflecting on the High Price of Freedom Audio . Video . WATCH SERMON VIDEO . What …

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Life Liberty Happiness: The Foundations of the Greatest Nation

Life Liberty Happiness 4th of July sermon notes

Life Liberty Happiness 4th of July sermon notes. The red, white, and blue signifies we have the privilege of living in the greatest nation ever. It thrives giving life, liberty, and happiness.  Life Liberty Happiness: The Foundations of the Greatest Nation by Delbert Young Life, Liberty, and Happiness Life Liberty Happiness: The Foundations of the …

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Freedom or Deception: Are You Truly Free or Deceived About Liberty?

Freedom or Deception

Freedom or Deception 4th of July Independence Day sermon video audio notes. Jesus told us the one thing that will set us free from any bondage. That one thing is truth. In fact, without truth, we are only deceived into thinking we are free and have liberty. Jesus directly connected true liberty (freedom indeed) with …

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Viva La Liberty 4th of July: The Spirit of Freedom

Memorial 4th of July Veterans Day sermons

Viva La Liberty 4th of July Independence Day video audio notes. “…unalienable Rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” The Lord created man to have abundant life, not abundant death. Man was created to have happiness, not dead religion. Man was created to have liberty, not bondage. At the core …

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The Unique Role of Adam’s Rib in Family Creation

Adam's Rib Father's Day sermon video and audio

Adam’s Rib Father’s Day sermon video audio notes Why did God use one of Adam’s bones? Why not a piece of Adam’s heart, or a piece of his brain? The rib bone is special. It’s the only bone in the human body capable of regenerating itself. Adam’s woman/wife, Adam’s children, Adam’s family, and Adam’s posterity …

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A Man Is Happy: How Extreme Happiness Is Earned

This Is How A Man Is Happy

A Man Is Happy: How Extreme Happiness Is Earned Father’s Day sermon video audio notes. How happy should a man be? Dad, how happy should you be? Do you deserve happiness or just want happiness? We earn long-term extreme happiness. It does not just happen. Dad, the Bible says if your home is not extremely …

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