Mother’s Hope: Make My Children Great Sermon Reflections

Make My Children Great audio video notes

Make My Children Great audio video notes. Mothers want their children to be great. Mrs. Zebedee had a revelation of the kingdom. She wanted her children to be used greatly in the kingdom of God. She wanted them to be important to the kingdom and they were. Both were apostles. James was so influential Herod …

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From My Mother’s Womb: A Gift of Life and Blessings

From My Mother's Womb audio video notes

From My Mother’s Womb audio video notes. Have you ever thought about the miracle of birth? I don’t only mean the actual birthing. Seventy-five percent of the embryos a mother produces pass never fertilized. 50 to 250 million cells from the father never made it to their destination. We see how amazing it is we …

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16th Day the Lamb Rose Easter

16th Day

16th Day the Lamb Rose Easter sermon notes. Christ the true Passover Lamb was presented on the 10th day of the month, and slain on the 14th day. The Holy Spirit blew in the tomb on the 15th day. On the 16th day up from the grave he arose! EASTER By Pastor Delbert Young The …

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Unlocking the Truth: You and the Tomb Easter Exploration

You and the Tomb

You and the Tomb Easter sermon notes. What really happened that Easter Sunday morning? I know what believers think happened, but what do you think? It is a historical fact that the body was gone. The tomb was empty that Sunday morning, but what really happened? Did the disciples steal the body to make it …

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What Then? Easter sermon: How to Prepare for Life After Death

What then - Easter

What Then? Easter sermon video audio notes. It seems no one prepares for death or plans to die, yet it is the most inevitable thing about your life. You imagine and you plan what your life will be, but have you planned on WHAT THEN? EASTERBy Pastor Delbert Young What Then? Easter sermon: How to …

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Unveiling the Glory of the Promise: Easter Sermon Video

the promise

The Promise Easter sermon video audio notes. In Jesus, ALL THE PROMISES OF GOD are yes and amen! The amazing thing is by fulfilling these to us, he receives glory. By his keeping his promises through Jesus, he proves he is Father God and Jesus is His Son. It was this way on the Sunday …

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The Excitement of Christianity: Easter Sermon Video & Audio Notes

Excitement of Christianity

Excitement of Christianity Easter sermon video audio notes. Easter sermon video audio notes – God raised Jesus from the dead! THIS IS WHAT MAKES CHRISTIANITY EXCITING. This is the uniqueness of our faith! The Old Testament miracles were marvelous. The New Testament miracles were even better. But on resurrection day, everything changed. It added an …

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Discover the Resurrection: The Story that Will Never Die

story that will never die

Story that will Never Die Easter sermon video audio notes. How can every Christian church share every year about the resurrection and the story stay alive? How can the same story be talked about for two thousand years and remain alive, pertinent, and life-changing? It’s because Jesus is alive and He is The Story That …

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Easter Blood Sacrifice Revealed: What You Need to Know

Blood Sacrifice

Easter Blood Sacrifice Revealed: What You Need to Know sermon video audio notes. When you read the Bible, you become amazed at how bloody a book it is. I’m going to talk about this, so I want to ask you what’s the most blood you’ve ever seen? I grew up on a farm where we …

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