Time for a New Beginning

New Beginning New Year audio notes

New Beginning New Year audio notes. The New Year speaks of a time for a new start. This thought is woven throughout the Scriptures. The first book in the Scriptures actually means The Beginning (Genesis). New Years Sermon It’s A New Beginning By Pastor Delbert Young Audio Scriptures: Revelation 8:3-4, Genesis 1:1-2, John 3:3-5, Genesis …

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Light A Candle NEW YEAR sermon notes

Light A Candle NEW YEAR sermon notes

Light A Candle NEW YEAR sermon notes. Jesus said we are not to light a candle and put it under a bushel. What does this mean? We are to position our lives to give the most light. NEW YEARS SERMON By Pastor Delbert Young NEW YEAR – Light A Candle Light A Candle NEW YEAR …

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Revelation Chapter 22

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 22 River of life, Street of gold, I come quickly audio video notes. Once again in Revelation 22 John assured his readers these events would begin soon! John is told the time is at hand. The emphasis is to seal not the saying of the prophecy. It would be tremendously difficult to convince …

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Revelation Chapter 21

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 21 – New heaven new earth, New Jerusalem the Bride the Lamb’s wife, foursquare city audio video notes. Verses 9 and 10 have the potential to forever change a person’s theology. Who is, not what is the new Jerusalem? Traditional theology teaches the following verses speak of heaven, as in the place a …

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Revelation Chapter 20

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 20 – Thousand Years, Bottomless Pit, First Resurrection, Great White Throne, Lake of Fire audio video notes. The dragon, who is the serpent, Devil, and Satan,  is not bound from evil or war. What the dragon cannot do is, deceive the nations till the thousand years should be fulfilled. One thing this means …

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Revelation Chapter 19

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 19 – Marriage Supper of the Lamb White Horse King of kings and Lord of lords audio video notes. These are interpreted as the second coming or Second Advent of our Lord Jesus Christ. As will be shown, the section will speak of His coming, but not His Second Advent. The opening of …

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Revelation Chapter 18

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 18 – Jerusalem Babylon the Great – sermon audio video notes. Is Jerusalem Babylon the Great? The desolation that came upon the house of Moses was exactly what Jesus had said would happen when He warned the Pharisees of the destruction that would come upon Jerusalem (Mat 23:33-39).This section begins with the words after these …

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Revelation Chapter 17

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 17 – Great Whore, Scarlet Colored Beast audio video notes. Understanding this chapter concerning the great whore and scarlet beast becomes very important when noted the seven seals were opened releasing seven trumpets which climax with the seven bowls. Here we are given understanding as to what those seals, trumpets, and seven bowls …

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Revelation Chapter 16

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST – The Stone Cometh By Pastor Delbert Young Revelation Chapter 16 – Seven angels, Vials, a place called Armageddon Audio Video Videos are not actually “videos of the teaching” The purpose was to make this teaching more available on Youtube, Vimeo, and web searches for this Revelation of Jesus Christ …

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Revelation Chapter 15

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 15 – Mighty Angels, Last Plagues, Song of Moses Song of the Lamb audio video notes. Those who overcome the beast sing the song of Moses and the Song of the Lamb. What is that? Seven angels move through the book of Revelation. They are heavenly and true ministries of Jesus Christ and …

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