Revelation Chapter 14

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 14 – Zion, 144,000, Babylon audio video notes. There is no doubt about the imagery here. Totally and absolutely John is speaking of the destruction of the vine Israel while God’s true people worship on Zion. Judaism was cast into the great winepress of the wrath of God. The winepress goes to work …

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Revelation Chapter 13

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 13 – Mark of the Beast 666 audio video notes. Man without the seal of the living God (7:2) has the mark of the beast. With the seal of the living God one cannot buy or sell of the world. We must trust God if we take the Lord’s mark. With the mark …

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Revelation Chapter 12

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 12 – Woman with Child, Great Red Dragon, War in Heaven audio video notes. Chapters 12-16 of John’s visit into the spirit realm (Rev 4:2) displayed the theme of the church in conflict with the dragon. From the throne the Lamb executed vengeance upon the land by destroying those who killed the witnesses …

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Revelation Chapter 11

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 11 – Two Witnesses audio video notes. The prophecy of these two witnesses concerned the mourning over Jerusalem (Judaism). Nearly every prophet spoke of the day of the Lord and the day when the Lord would turn from Jerusalem (Judaism). These prophets were killed in the streets of Jerusalem. The Great Tribulation horrors …

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Revelation Chapter 10

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 10 – Mighty Angel, Little Book Sweet and Bitter audio video notes. Prior to the sounding of the seventh trumpet, John is allowed to see a mighty angel come down from heaven. Most (not all) commentators agree the mighty angel is Jesus Christ revealing his glory. And, why not? This is his Revelation! …

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Revelation Chapter 9

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 9 – Star from heaven, Demon Locusts, Plagues audio video notes. Revelation 9:1 And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star fall from heaven unto the earth Sometimes I quote people who just talk smart. It sounds as if I should believe them from the words they use. They must be …

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Revelation Chapter 8: How to See God’s Judgment Unfold

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 8: How to See God’s Judgment Unfold – Seven Angels with Seven Trumpets audio video notes. Have we heard of seven trumpets in any Bible story other than Revelation? We have. John draws from the Old Testament events and prophecies to relay the New Testament truth. As we have seen, these are called …

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Revelation Chapter 7

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 7 – Four Corners of Earth, 144,000 audio video notes. When John writes “earth,” did he mean land or the planet earth? Does John mean a country, or does he mean the entire world? It does make a difference. It makes a huge, theological difference. If John is telling us these judgments will …

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Daniel’s Seventy Weeks: How to Align History with Prophecy

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Daniel’s Seventy Weeks: How to Align History with Prophecy with video, audio, and notes. Without an understanding of Daniel’s Seventy Weeks, the student will never grasp the Revelation. It has been said the Revelation of Jesus Christ is the New Testament Daniel.1 What we desire to show here is Daniel’s prophecy of a day of …

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Revelation Chapter 6a: How to Understand Collapsing Universe

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 6a: How to Understand Collapsing Universe Terminology – audio video notes. These saints under the altar cried and prayed one thing very loudly. The word translated cried is krazo (Greek), meaning ‘to scream.’ They were screaming for vengeance. The Lord Jesus said the days of vengeance would come upon the generation he spoke to. …

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