Church Part 5 Audio Teaching

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Church Part 5. The Holy Spirit does His work. Preaching does its work. Then the people do their work. People must repent. They must be water baptized in the Name of Jesus Christ. And, people must fellowship. There are more people do, but these three are discussed in this message. Church Part 5 Audio Acts …

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Church Part 4 Audio Teaching

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Church Part 4 Audio Teaching. This chapter is in 4 parts: Pentecost, Peter’s preaching, 3,000 souls added, and people devoting and continuing in 7 aspects. Every church has a revelation of Jesus Christ (Rev 2-3). No two churches have the identical revelation of Jesus Christ. Church Part 4 Audio Acts 2:47 praising God, and having …

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The Word For Church

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

The Word For Church Study. In the Scriptures, the Greek word translated as “church” is “ekklesia” and is found around one hundred and eighteen times. In order to see what a New Testament church is and does we must search the Scriptures and study God’s Word. The Word For Church Study Audios Church Part 1 …

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Church Part 3 Audio Study

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Church Part 3 Audio Study. The Greek word translated as “number” in Acts 2:47 is ekklesia. It’s the word usually translated as “church.” The Lord added daily to this church. It’s the day the Holy Spirit came to dwell with people. The purpose is so people can be filled with God. The Holy Spirit filled. They …

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1 Corinthians Study Chapter 12 Part 2 Audio

1 Corinthians Study Audio Series

1 Corinthians Study Chapter 12 Part 2 Audio. There are diversities, but without the presence of God there is nothing. There are at least 21 different gifts, so this is not a teaching about gifts of the Spirit. It’s a teaching about loving and needing the body of Christ. 1 Corinthians Study Chapter 12 Part …

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Church Part 2 Study Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Church Part 2 Study Audio. Disciples asked Jesus who was the greatest in the kingdom. Answer: “Truly I say to you, unless you are converted and become like children, you will not enter the kingdom of heaven.” Church people should be humble. One of the most difficult things in life to do is to humble …

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Church Part 1 Audio Teaching

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Church Part 1 Audio Teaching. The Greek word translated “church” is found over a hundred times and means a coming out of something to meet. It’s the church who has the keys to the kingdom. It’s the church who is to reveal the manifold wisdom of God. Church Part 1 Audio John 6:44 No man …

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Signs Of Second Coming Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Straight Talk 5 – Signs Of Second Coming. The Lord told us we should be able to analyze the times. There are at least 7 signs/seasons that must take place before the Lord comes at the end of time. Jesus cannot come until His enemies are made His footstools. The natural Jew must come to …

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Overcoming VS Escaping

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Straight Talk 4 Overcoming VS Escaping. Has the church moved from an overcoming mentality to an escape mentality? Is the rapture the purpose or is overcoming the purpose of the church? Which mentality should a minister teach people? Straight Talk 4 Overcoming VS Escaping Audio Straight Talk 4 Overcoming VS Escaping Teaching Scriptures Galatians 5:16-17 …

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1 Corinthians Study Chapter 12 Part 1 Audio

1 Corinthians Study Audio Series

1 Corinthians Study Chapter 12 Part 1 Audio. People can think they are very spiritual but only be very divided. This was the problem at the Church at Corinth. It’s how much we need the body and love the body. We can speak with the tongues of men and angels but be only a sounding …

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