Making Decisions Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Making Decisions, everybody must do it. Multitudes make serious choices every day. You and I make multitudes of serious decisions during our lives. How do we make good decisions? I think we can. Making Decisions Audio Some Making Decisions Audio Joel 3:14 Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of [decision! For the day of the Lord is near in …

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Making A Memorial Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Making A Memorial Audio- The Lord encourages us to remember and have memorials. He is the God of yesterday, today, and forever. What is it He wants us to remember and make a memorial? Charismatics tend to throw out the baby with the bathwater. We’ve forgotten our memorials. Making A Memorial Audio Some Making A …

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Temple Of Solomon 8 Porch Audio

Temple Of Solomon Study Audio

Temple Of Solomon 8 Porch speaks of a foyer area where we pass from an outer court relationship with God into a holy place relationship. We go beyond the fundamental teachings and understandings into a much deeper apprehension of God. Temple Of Solomon 8 Porch Audio Temple Of Solomon 8 Porch Teaching Scriptures 1 Chronicles …

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Water Baptism And Epiphany Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Water Baptism And Epiphany – This act is an ordinance. It’s an order or command, not a suggestion. The Lord instituted it for unity – to bring us into one body. However, man’s doctrine has used it to divide. What does baptism do? Why do I need it? Who is baptism for? What is the …

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Temple Of Solomon 7 Brazen Sea Audio

Temple Of Solomon Study Audio

Temple Of Solomon 7 Brazen Sea speaks of water baptism and the washing of the water by the Word. This was made for the priest to wash before ascending the steps. Of course, we are the temple in the New Testament. All the temple elements speak of aspects that should be built and utilized in …

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Word Made Flesh Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Word Made Flesh. There is a misconception about this. Not only did this happen to Jesus. It should happen to every Christ follower. The Word should be made flesh in each of us. This is God’s desire. The Word is grace and truth. We should be changing the lives of people. That’s grace. We should …

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1 Corinthians Chapter 11:23-26 part 2 Audio

1 Corinthians Study Audio Series

1 Corinthians Chapter 11:23-26 part 2 Audio.  When we take a look at the Passover meal we gain a far greater understanding of the Lord’s table. Paul emphasizes the importance of living the body of Christ. We have not properly discerned the body of Christ. 1 Corinthians Chapter 11:23-26 2 Audio Audio New American Standard …

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1 Corinthians Chapter 11:23-26 Audio

1 Corinthians Study Audio Series

1 Corinthians Chapter 11:23-26 audio. There are so many different doctrines about what happens to the bread and the drink at the Lord’s Table. Does it change? One thing we do know is it’s to remember Jesus and it’s to show His death until He comes. 1 Corinthians Chapter 11:23-26 Audio 1 Corinthians 11:23-26 23 …

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Advent Coming Of Jesus Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Advent Coming Of Jesus – We celebrate Advent and usually think about the baby Jesus coming. However, there is the last Advent and the last coming of the Lord will be very similar to His Ascension. The last coming is definite. It’s personal. It’s physical. It will not be in type or spiritual. Advent Coming …

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1 Corinthians Study Chapter 11:17-22 Audio

1 Corinthians Study Audio Series

1 Corinthians Study Chapter 11:17-22 Audio. Paul tells these Christians a reason some were weak, sick, and dying was because of the way they did the table of the Lord. It wasn’t because they were not doing it. It was because of how they did it. 1 Corinthians Study Chapter 11:17-22 Audio 1 Corinthians 11:17-22 …

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