Gold Girls and Glory Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Gold Girls and Glory. Frequently we hear things about ministries such as embezzlement, fornication, homosexuality, all evil things. This is nothing new. There’s always been bad ministry. Paul said vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor. Jesus called them wolves in sheep’s clothing. Know them that labor among you. Bad ministry likes gold, girls, and …

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Temple Of Solomon 6 – Altar Audio

Temple Of Solomon Study Audio

Temple Of Solomon 6 – Altar was the largest piece of furniture in the temple. It was huge and the first thing people saw when entering. The cross of Christ is the largest event to ever come into this world. It should be the largest and first thing anyone sees when they come into our …

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Simplicity That Is In Christ Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Simplicity That Is In Christ. Do you enjoy coming together, entering into praise, reading Scriptures, taking Holy Communion, ministering to people, giving, listening to teaching, doing what Scriptural Christ followers do, etc.? If not then we have been beguiled as was Eve. Simplicity That Is In Christ Audio Simplicity That Is In Christ 2 Corinthians …

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1 Corinthians Study Chapter 11:1-16 Audio

1 Corinthians Study Audio Series

1 Corinthians Study Chapter 11:1-16. Paul taught about people indulging themselves (women) at the expense of others in church meetings. First, Paul compliments them for following his instructions. He sets the divine response of Christ, the man, and the woman, 1 Corinthians Study Chapter 11:1-16 Audio 1 Corinthians 11:1-16 1 Be ye followers of me, …

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Temple Of Solomon 5 – Courts Audio

Temple Of Solomon Study Audio

Temple Of Solomon 5 – Courts. The temple had an outer court area where people gathered. We, the temple of God, have court areas. It speaks of the people who gather in our lives. Also, the courts have gates. The Tabernacle of Moses had one gate, i.e. the Jew. However, the Temple of Solomon had …

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Communion Of Remembrance Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Communion Of Remembrance Audio. Jesus said when we break the bread to do it in remembrance of Him. Moses said when they ate the bread to eat it in remembrance. Communion is primarily a time of remembering what Jesus did for us. Communion Of Remembrance Audio Audio Luke 22:19 And he took bread, and gave …

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Temple Of Solomon 4 – Walls Audio

Temple Of Solomon Study Audio

Temple Of Solomon 4 – Walls. First we are given measurements. We must have measurements/boundaries in our lives. Then there are windows. We need light, vision, and ventilation in our lives. We are told about the stones. These were nothing but rock. The hewers went and molded them. They gave them purpose. Temple Of Solomon …

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1 Corinthians Study Chapter 10 Audio

1 Corinthians Study Audio Series

1 Corinthians Study Chapter 10 Audio. Paul continues discussing Christian liberty. Paul gives a warning and then makes the warning applicable. 1 Corinthians Study Chapter 10 Audio 1 Corinthians 10:1-12 1 Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the …

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Temple Of Solomon 3 Foundations Audio

Temple Of Solomon Study Audio

Temple Of Solomon 3 Foundations.  In the Scriptures, there were foundations plural. For the temple, the size was 18 feet by 18 feet. The Cornerstone was set first. Everything aligned with the foundation. Jesus Christ is the chief cornerstone. Temple Of Solomon 3 Foundation Audio Temple Of Solomon 3 Foundations 1 Kings 5:15-17 15 And …

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Temple Of Solomon Study Audio

Temple Of Solomon Study Audio

Temple Of Solomon Study Nothing is better to study when uniting a congregation to dedicate a building to God than the Temple Of Solomon. Every aspect of the structure is full of meaning. When a local body understands every aspect of God’s dwelling and importance it impacts everyone for generations. Temple Of Solomon Study Audio …

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