House To House Parent audio

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

House To House Parent audio. There is no more needed study than this in society today. The prayer is we all become better husbands, wives, children, pastors, elders, deacons, and saints. As the family goes so goes the church. Home And Family – House To House Parent Audio Unless the LORD Builds the House Psalm …

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Home And Family – Loving Headship audio

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

Home And Family – Loving Headship audio. Atoms make up the universe. The home and family make up society. There are 3 parts to an atom and 3 parts to a home. The three parts of an atom are protons, electrons, and neutrons. There are 3 parts to a family – father, mother, and children. …

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Coming Of The Lord Part 4 Audio

Coming Of The Lord Audio Series

Coming Of The Lord Part 4 – the word “coming” means arrival or presence. We find where we’ve been taught about the “rapture” it’s actually talking about the Lord’s coming. We meet the Lord as we do a dignitary, but it’s about his coming, not our going. Coming Of The Lord Part 4 Audio Audio …

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Coming Of The Lord Part 2 Audio

Coming Of The Lord Audio Series

Coming Of The Lord Part 2 There is darkness and light in the earth at the same time. The pre-tribulation rapture is exposed. The church is the Israel of God, the elect, and the New Jerusalem. Coming Of The Lord Part 2 Audio Coming Of The Lord Part 2 Teaching Scriptures Mark 7:13 Making the …

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Coming Of The Lord Audio Series

Coming Of The Lord Audio Series

Coming Of The Lord Audio Series. In this series the Scriptural Coming of the Lord Jesus Christ is opened up for the first time to many people. Traditional teachings are shattered, and a new way of viewing the rapture and great tribulation is viewed. Coming Of The Lord Audio Series If you only know about …

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Coming Of The Lord Part 1 Audio

Coming Of The Lord Audio Series

Coming Of The Lord Part 1 – It is necessary we understand the purposes of the church. It is to be the seed from Genesis 1:26-28 who will crush the serpent’s head and be the full-grown beautiful bride of Christ. It is to be the perfect (mature) body of Christ. Coming Of The Lord Part …

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Sermon Sitemap Page 12

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Sermon Sitemap Page 12 for Sermons by Delbert Young. Here you will find over a hundred (100) sermons on this page. Some with video audio and notes. Use them freely. I pray they help you.  Sermon Sitemap Page 12 Instructions: Probably the fastest way to find what you are looking for on this site using …

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12- Discerning Of Spirits Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

12- Discerning Of Spirits. This gift is given to recognize and identify false spirits or the spirit of antichrist. This spirit was and is in the world or the world system. 12- Discerning Of Spirits Audio (NIV) Acts 13:6-11 6 They traveled through the whole island until they came to Paphos. There they met a …

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11- Word Of Knowledge Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

11- Word Of Knowledge is revelation knowledge the person has no way of knowing. Also, the Word of Knowledge is a “spiritual gift” given by the Spirit of God to minister to a person, not condemn the person or judge the person. Moreover, all believers have this gift in different degrees. Some, of course, have …

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10- Word Of Wisdom Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

10- Word Of Wisdom – What is the difference between the Word of Wisdom and the Word of Knowledge? This message shows the difference. The word of wisdom is something said the way Christ would say it. 10- Word Of Wisdom Audio Audio Some 10- Word Of Wisdom Audio Teaching Scriptures The LORD Will Pour …

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