Principle Of Testing Part 2 Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Principle Of Testing Part 2 – Jesus said would receive power AFTER THAT the Holy Ghost came upon us. What is AFTER THAT? Tests and trials are the answer. No tests, no trials, no power. Principle Of Testing Part 2 Audio Audio Acts 1:8 But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is …

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Principle Of Testing Part 1 Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Principle Of Testing Part 1 – Kingdom instruments will be tested. We must go through tests in our lives to find areas we need to correct. Principle Of Testing Part 1 Audio Audio Prophecy Against the Shepherds of Israel Ezekiel 34:1-2 1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, 2 Son of …

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Mark Of The Beast Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Mark Of The Beast – is it “in” the hand or “on” the hand? Is it “in” the head or “on” the hand?  Could it mean what we do and what we think – carnal mind vs spiritual mind? Mark Of The Beast Audio Audio Revelation 13:16-18 16 And he causeth all, both small and …

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Importance Of The Home And Family Part 2 Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Importance Of The Home And Family Part 2 The home is the cornerstone of society. God has set the way a home is to be built – father, mother, children. When one of these 3 parts are removed the home is no longer a home. Importance Of The Home And Family Part 2 Audio Importance …

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Importance Of The Home And Family Part 1 Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Importance Of The Home And Family Part 1 The promise of the Word of God is if we build our homes on the Word they will stand. If we do not, they will fall. Importance Of The Home And Family Part 1 Audio Psalms 127:1-5 Unless the LORD Builds the House Psalms 127:1 Except the …

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Deacon Part 2 Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Deacon Part 2 The Greek word “diakonos” translated “deacon” is found about 30 times in the New Testament. Most of those are translated as “minister.” A deacon is a ministering servant. Deacon Part 2 Audio Philippians 1:1 Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at …

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Deacon Study Series Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Deacon Study Series – every church must have servants. Scripturally, these servants are called “deacons.” These people make the local church actually function. Without them there is no true church. Deacon Study Series Audio 1. Deacon Part 1 Audio In every church, there are three groups of people – Bishops (leadership), Deacons (servants), and Saints. …

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Deacon Part 1 Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Deacon Part 1 In every church there are three groups of people – Bishops (leadership), Deacons (servants), and Saints. Each Christ follower fits into one of these three groups. Deacon Part 1 Audio Audio Philippians 1:1 Paul and Timotheus, the servants of Jesus Christ, to all the saints in Christ Jesus which are at Philippi, …

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Teaching On Communion

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Teaching On Communion 1 Corinthians 11 The apostle tells the Church at Corinth their coming together was for the worse and not for better. When we come together for the Lord’s table is it for the worse or the better. Teaching On Communion 1 Corinthians 11 Audio Teaching On Communion 1 Corinthians 11 Teaching Scriptures …

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Purpose Of God Part 2 Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Purpose Of God Part 2 Most Christ followers have no idea what God’s true motive is. In this message and the next, I attempt to point out the purpose and motive of God. Purpose Of God Part 2 Audio Romans 8:28 28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that …

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