Purpose Of God Part 1 Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Purpose Of God Part 1 Most Christ followers have no idea what God’s true motive is. In this message and the next, I attempt to point out the purpose and motive of God. Purpose Of God Part 1 Audio Romans 8:28 28 And we know that all things work together for good to them that …

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Acts Series Chapter 28 Audio

Book of Acts Series

Acts Series Chapter 28 Though it is said Apostle Paul was beheaded in Rome, the last time we see the apostle is ministering in Rome. Through the study we’ve been with him and gotten to know him well. Outline: Paul on the island Malta (v 1-10), Arrival at Rome (v 11-16), Paul ministers at Rome …

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Acts Series Chapter 27 Audio

Book of Acts Series

Acts Series Chapter 27 A primary type of the Holy Spirit is wind. Here, the wind destroys the ship.  The Lord said the Spirit would be poured out. Is part of the pouring out of the Spirit to destroy? Outline: Sail for Rome (v 1-12), Stormy wind (13-22), Shipwreck (21-44) Acts Series Chapter 27 Audio …

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Acts Series Chapter 26 Audio

Book of Acts Series

Acts Series Chapter 26 Agrippa is a type of mega ministry with all the religious answers putting on a great show. Agrippa thinks Paul is attempting to persuade Agrippa to believe in Jesus. Outline: Paul’s testimony to Agrippa (v 1-32). Acts Series Chapter 26 Audio Audio Acts Series Chapter 26 Audio Acts 26:1-32 Paul’s Defense …

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Acts Series Chapter 25 Audio

Book of Acts Series

Acts Series Chapter 25 is only concerned with Paul’s testimony before Festus a type of political system. Politicians want and need the religious votes. Paul had been in prison two years. Outline: Paul’s testimony before Festus (v 1-12), Festus declares Paul’s case to Agrippa (v 13-27) Acts Series Chapter 25 Audio Audio Acts Series Chapter …

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Acts Series Chapter 24 Part 2 Audio

Book of Acts Series

Acts Series Chapter 24 Part 2 Felix kept Paul around hoping to get money. Today people keep Jesus and ministry around so they can be prosperous and get money. We don’t love the Lord as much as we will love a ministry who can teach us to become rich. Acts Series Chapter 24-Part 2 Audio …

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Acts Series Chapter 24-Part 1 Audio

Book of Acts Series

Acts Series Chapter 24-Part 1 Felix was an area governor who listened to the old-order religion Jehovah and new-order Jesus. Felix, a type of lost man, puts off making a decision for Jesus. They always do.  Outline: Testimony before Felix (v 1-27) Acts Series Chapter 24-Part 1 Audio Audio Acts Series Chapter 24-Part 1 Audio …

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Acts Series Chapter 23 Audio

Book of Acts Series

Acts Series Chapter 23 Paul faces the Sanhedrin, a mixture of religious people. So it is today. Religious people are the worst to deem judgment on anyone. Outline: Descension in the Sanhedrin (v. 1-10), Destiny Rome (v. 11), Design of death (v. 12-22), Direction Caesarea (v. 23-35) Acts Series Chapter 23 Audio Audio Acts Series …

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Acts Series Chapter 22 Audio

Book of Acts Series

Acts Series Chapter 22 “This is the man,” Jew screamed! They beat Paul and would have killed Paul if not for the soldiers. Paul’s beating gave Paul an opportunity to tell them about Jesus. Do our “beatings” give us an opportunity to tell about Jesus? Outline: Testimony (v. 1-21), Touchiness of the Jews (v. 22-23), …

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Acts Series Chapter 21 Audio

Book of Acts Series

Acts Series Chapter 21 ends Paul’s third missionary journey. He is told bonds and suffering await. Paul was told not to go to Jerusalem but went. Was he disobedient to the Spirit? Outline: Ministry at Tyre (v.1-6), Meeting at Caesarea (v 8-14), Mission Jerusalem (v. 15-40) Acts Series Chapter 21 Audio Audio Acts Series Chapter …

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