Hallowed Be Thy Name Audio

Lead Us Not Into Temptation Audio

Hallowed Be Thy Name. The very first thing we need to pray when we pray is “Hallowed be Your name,” but how many know what “hallowed” even means? First, we need to understand the importance is the Name. Jesus fulfilled Jehovah. Hallowed Be Thy Name Audio Mark 14:32 – 14:42   32 They came to …

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Pray In This Way Audio

Lead Us Not Into Temptation Audio

Pray In This Way. We are instructed by Jesus to pray the kingdom to earth. It’s not we go to the kingdom one day when we die or after some great tribulation. Jesus rose early in the morning to talk to Father. The first battle Jesus fought every day and the first battle we should …

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Psalms Study Psalms 29 Part 1 Audio

Psalms Study Psalms 29 Part 1 Audio

Psalms Study Psalms 29 Part 1. We ascribe to the Lord the good things happening in our lives, but we ascribe to the devil the bad things. Is this accurate theology? I don’t think so. Outline: Ascribe to the LORD (v 1-2); The voice of the Lord (v 3-9); Lord sits as king forever (v …

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What Is The Heart Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

What Is The Heart? Jesus told us there are distinct differences between the heart, soul, mind, and strength. To understand ourselves or to minister to people these differences must be understood. What Is The Heart Audio Some What Is The Heart Teaching Scriptures Mark 12:28 – 12:34   28 One of the scribes came and heard …

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Psalms Study Psalms 28 Audio

Psalms Study Psalms 29 Part 1 Audio

Psalms Study Psalms 28 Audio. Jehovah was David’s rock. Our rock is Jesus Christ. Jesus said to build our house upon the rock being His teachings of the kingdom of God. Outline: Do not drag me away with wicked (v 1-3); Repay them (v 4-5); With my song I shall thank Him (v 6-9). Psalms …

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Psalms Study Psalms 27 Part 2 Audio

Psalms Study Psalms 29 Part 1 Audio

Psalms Study Psalms 27 Part 2 Audio. David told us two things he received from being in the house of the Lord. He saw the Lord’s beauty and meditate in His temple. When we come to church we should see the beauty of the Lord in His people, and we should mediate about His word. …

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Psalms Study Psalms 27 Part 1 Audio

Psalms Study Psalms 29 Part 1 Audio

Psalms Study Psalms 27 Part 1 Audio. This and many Psalm begins with “A Psalm of David.” However there should be a Psalm of “Your name,” and a Psalm of “my name.” David didn’t have a patent on writing and singing psalms to the Lord. Outline: Whom shall I fear (v 1-3); One thing have …

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Is Able To Save Your Souls Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Is Able To Save Your Souls. We don’t think about it, but the Scriptures tell us the power of the Word of God. It’s able to do a work on our souls nothing else can do. It’s able to save our souls. Is Able To Save Your Souls Audio Matthew 1:18 – 1:20 18 Now …

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Psalms Study Psalms 26 Audio

Psalms Study Psalms 29 Part 1 Audio

Psalms Study Psalms 26 Audio. The heart of David was for the Lord to deal with him. Our heard should desire the Lord to judge us so we will be on the correct side of God. Outline: Vindicate me (v 1-7); Habitation of Your house (v 8-12). Psalms Study Psalms Study Psalms 26 Audio Audio Psalms …

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Psalms Study Psalms 25 Audio

Psalms Study Psalms 29 Part 1 Audio

Psalms Study Psalms 25 Audio. Where does depression come when it invades us? It comes to the soul. King David dealt with depression. We take a look at what David did to overcome it. Outline: Lift up my soul (v 1-3); Make me know your ways (v 4-11); Who is the man (v 12-16); Guard …

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