Press On To Obtain Him audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Press On To Obtain Him audio. The apostle Paul said, “I press on.” Some people in our churches sometimes lag back. They become complacent, aggravated, irritated, and stagnant.  This message is aimed at those who stop pressing on to obtain Jesus. In this passage we study Paul continuously says, “I.” Our relationship with Christ Jesus …

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Matthew 27:28-66 Crucifixion Audio

Teaching Preaching And Healing Audio

Matthew 27:28-66 Crucifixion audio. There were seven basic people types at the crucifixion. We see Simon of Cyrene, those referred to as “they” – soldiers, passersby, chief priests, two thieves,  many women, and Joseph of Arimathaea. What we will see is these seven types of people continue to be around the cross of Christ today. …

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Teaching Preaching And Healing: How to Minister Like Jesus

Teaching Preaching And Healing Audio

Teaching Preaching And Healing: How to Minister Like Jesus Audio. Jesus went about His area teaching, preaching the kingdom of God, and healing all manner of disease. We preach. We teach. However, we don’t do much, if any, healing of diseases. Jesus sent His disciples out to preach and heal. Healing is a fruit of …

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Matthew 27:26-31 Mockery Scourging of Jesus

Teaching Preaching And Healing Audio

Matthew 27:26-31 Mockery And Scourging of Jesus Audio – I had the opportunity to sit in a gathering of several pastors with Oral Roberts. It stirred things inside me about healing. Jesus went about teaching, preaching, and healing. We need to put healing into the same terms and thoughts as preaching and teaching. We’re here …

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Matthew 27:11-26 Jesus Before Pilate Audio

Teaching Preaching And Healing Audio

Matthew 27:11-26 Jesus Before Pilate – Israel rejected Jesus audio. If you don’t know this you will not understand much if not most of the Scriptures/Bible. At least five times Pilate attempted to escape judging Jesus. Pilate feared Caesar. Caesar wanted peace in his empire and when any governor didn’t maintain peace the governor was …

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How Hast Thou Loved Me audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

How Hast Thou Loved Me audio. Jesus categorized every person as either a sheep or a goat. We each will be blessed or cursed. Our blessing or cursing is according to how we respond to the covenant. The major message is we get to choose Jesus. The truth is we don’t choose Jesus. We submit …

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Children Dedication Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Children Dedication Audio. Children are the inheritance of the Lord. Our children are what we’re allowed to leave the Lord when our time to pass on comes. The fruit of the womb is His reward. How blessed is the man who’s quiver is full of children. The righteous man will fill his house with children. …

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Malachi Chapter 4 Part 1 Scriptural Giving audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Malachi Chapter 4 Part 1 Scriptural Giving audio. Jesus came to fulfill the law, or Old Testament. Jesus came to fulfill our giving, however we cannot understand how to fulfill unless we first understand what we are to fulfill. Giving is not less than tithing. Giving is more and above tithing. God always goes higher. …

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Psalms Introduction Audio

Psalms Study Psalms 29 Part 1 Audio

Psalms Introduction Audio. We are instructed to teach one another with Psalms (Col 3:16). The Book of Psalms spreads out over a thousand years. Psalms – We are instructed to teach one another with Psalms (Col 3:16). The Book of Psalms spreads out over a thousand years. Psalms speak about praise, prayer, the king, love, …

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The Lord Spurred Isaac Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

The Lord Spurred Isaac Audio. The Lord will use famine times in our lives to spur us to do the right things. When we respond to the “spurring” of the Lord, the Lord will bless us and our children. He will fulfill His promises to us. The Lord Spurred Isaac Audio Some The Lord Spurred …

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