How Marriages Are Blessed audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

How Marriages Are Blessed audio. When we order our marriages according to the Word of God blessings come automatically. However, when we order our marriages according to the ways of the world our marriages will suffer. God’s blessings will avoid us. How Marriages Are Blessed Audio Some How Marriages Are Blessed Teaching Scriptures 1 Peter …

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Summary And Action/Reaction audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Summary And Action/Reaction. The Sermon On The Mount was actually not for the multitudes. It was for the disciples. With every action there is a reaction. How we respond to every situation will determine our blessing or cursing. Once we know how we should respond according to the kingdom of God we can expect and …

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Prayer Of A Pharisee audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Prayer Of A Pharisee audio. The horrific aspect of having a Pharisee mentality is this will ruin our prayer life and rob our blessings. What is a Pharisee? In the days of Jesus a Pharisee was a very religious person of a specific religious sect. Today a Pharisee is a legalistic religious mentality.  Prayer Of …

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Divorce And Remarriage Teaching audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Divorce And Remarriage Teaching audio. Some in church say divorce if fine. Some in church say divorce is like leprosy. The divorced person cannot serve in a church in any leadership capacity. What is Jesus teaching in Matthew Chapter 5 when He taught about divorce and remarriage? Divorce And Remarriage By Pastor Delbert Young Audio …

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Influence and Responsibility audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Influence and Responsibility audio. Christ followers are the salt of the earth/planet. Christ followers are the light of the world/system. We are an influence upon and we have a responsibility to the planet and to the systems. In this lesson we take a look at how Christ followers are the salt of the earth. We …

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Fatherhood Lessons from Abraham: Directing Children in God’s Ways

Abraham and Isaac - The Ultimate Love and Terror Sacrifice

Fatherhood Lessons from Abraham: Directing Children in God’s Ways audio. He not only commanded his children. He also commanded his household after him. We live in a time when households and children are disasters. If we simply look at the generation taught to “spank” or discipline their children according to Scriptures versus the generation taught to …

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When You Pray Say audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

When You Pray Say audio It’s interesting Jesus didn’t say, “When you pray think of what you pray.” He clearly said, “When you pray say…” There is power in our words. Words release force into the spiritual dimension. Let’s take a look at exactly what Jesus said concerning saying and speaking our prayers. When You …

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Time of Visitation – How to Experience Divine Interventions

Time of Visitation

Time of Visitation – How to Experience Divine Interventions audio and notes. What do you need from the Lord? Please don’t sit back. Cry out the more! Bartimaeus and others did not. They took action and did not miss their time of visitation. Don’t miss your time of visitation.  Time of Visitation – How to …

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Revelation Come Quickly Lord Jesus audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Revelation Come Quickly Lord Jesus audio. The Revelation is not concerned with long-range prophecy or the end of the world. It is concerned with events in the very near future of John’s generation. It is a prophecy known as “the last days.”  Revelation Come Quickly Lord Jesus Audio Audio Some Revelation Come Quickly Lord Jesus …

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They Are Doing Abortions Today 2 audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

They Are Doing Abortions Today 2 audio. Molech is an Old Testament Idol where babies were sacrificed. God says this is an abomination and He will spew people out of the land who allow this. They Are Doing Abortions Today 2 It Will Take A War Audio Some They Are Doing Abortions Today 2 It …

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