How Do We Receive Instructions

Hypocrite In Us All Joshua 9

How Do We Receive Instructions. The key is in the instructions. Joshua was given Jericho if Joshua followed the instructions. This is true in our lives. We’ve already won the battle before the conflict if we follow the instructions. To possess our kingdom of God we must arise in violence – not natural violence but …

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Bring In The Presence audio

Tabernacle Of David audio

Bring In The Presence audio. What does it take to experience the habitation of God in our lives and in our churches? We can’t expect to simply preach a message and expect God to show up much less expect Him to show up with His blessings. Let’s see what is necessary.  Tabernacle Of David 4 …

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Making Ready For Battle

Hypocrite In Us All Joshua 9

Making Ready For Battle. Our purpose is to win. Paul said he ran to win. We are not win conscious. We are salvation conscious. It’s not if it’s sin, and it’s not if it’s right or wrong. It’s if I want to go on in God. Do I want to win. The Lord says here …

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Remind Me To Remember

Hypocrite In Us All Joshua 9

Remind Me To Remember. We should build memorials. One reason is to show the power of God. Another reason is to remind us to tell future generations about the supernatural power of the Lord our God. Also, we need to remind ourselves to talk about it. To possess our kingdom of God we must arise …

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8 Steps To Socialism

8 Steps To Socialism. Socialism is haunting America. Socialism is an enemy to America. As we see socialism is attempting to change America by rewriting the Constitution and destroying our history. Both the Constitution and our history make America who she is today. I believe tremendous damage has already be done to the greatest country …

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Prepare A Place audio

Tabernacle Of David audio

Prepare A Place audio. First, a place must be prepared for God’s presence to abide. We can’t expect His presence to simply come without desiring Him and making ready our hearts and our church. We examine the spiritual truths we learn from the Scriptures and why we do this. Tabernacle Of David 3 – Prepare …

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Pioneers Or Settlers Fire Baptism

Hypocrite In Us All Joshua 9

Pioneers Or Settlers Fire Baptism. Are we satisfied to remain in the wilderness, or are we ready to cross into the promises of God? Crossing into the promises appear to be an impossible task. We must wait until we decide God must do something for us to cross. We all go or none of us …

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Spying Out Wall Of Jericho

Hypocrite In Us All Joshua 9

Spying Out Wall Of Jericho. We all have walls in our lives. What does the Lord do to walls? He writes on them, and digs through them. He runs on them, and brings them down flat. Prophetic ministry comes into our lives to take care of our walls. To possess our kingdom of God we …

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Journeys Of The Ark audio

Tabernacle Of David audio

Journeys Of The Ark audio. The Ark’s travels reveal to us the journeys individuals and a church must traverse over through and around to bring in the presence of God as the Lord builds again the Tabernacle of David. Tabernacle Of David 2 – Journeys Of The Ark Audio Some Tabernacle Of David 2 – …

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Tabernacle Of David Introduction audio

Tabernacle Of David audio

Tabernacle Of David Introduction audio. God is building again the Tabernacle David (Acts 15:16). The sad part of this is few Christians know anything about this. What was and is this tent? And, what can we learn today to truly experience the presence of God? Tabernacle Of David Introduction Audio Acts 15:13-17 13 And after …

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