Seek First the Kingdom – How to Live in God’s Realm

Storm Rock and Sand

Seek First the Kingdom—How to Live in God’s Realm audio video notes. How can we seek his kingdom if it has not come yet? How can seeking the kingdom be the antidote and answer to worry and anxiety if it’s not obtainable yet? Would it not be silly of the Lord to tell us to …

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Mammon Or God – How to See the Supernatural

Storm Rock and Sand

Mammon Or God – How to See the Supernatural audio video notes. Jesus gave us the key to spiritual vision. The things that block our seeing into the supernatural are treasures on earth and money/mammon. Our ability to see into and experience the supernatural realm directly connects to our treasures. We cannot see in the …

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Treasures Kingdom: How to Balance Wealth and Faith

Storm Rock and Sand

Treasures Kingdom: How to Balance Wealth and Faith audio video notes. The problem is when anything becomes our everything – treasure. It’s when treasures on earth take the place of God in our lives a problem is developed. We forget we can’t take earthly treasures with us. It’s not God doesn’t want us to have …

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Fasting in the Kingdom – Renewing Your Mind and Body

Storm Rock and Sand

Fasting in the Kingdom – Renewing Your Mind and Body audio video notes. Jesus comes to a place where he tells us how to raise our spiritual talents to a new level. Have you ever wanted to increase your level of spirituality? Have you ever wanted to be a better, more mature Christ follower? Seriously, …

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Deliver Us From the Evil One – Overcoming Spiritual Warfare

Storm Rock and Sand

Deliver Us From the Evil One – Overcoming Spiritual Warfare audio video notes. Jesus believed there is an evil one and referred to him often in his teachings. We cannot do a complete teaching on the subject of the evil one, but I will attempt to help us with some needed information. It is imperative …

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Lead us not into Temptation: How to Understand It

Storm Rock and Sand

Lead us not into Temptation: How to Understand It audio video notes. Lead us not into temptation? Why does the Father lead us into temptation? Rather than seeing our being led into temptation as something bad, let’s attempt to see being led into temptation as something good. Let’s see it as a test meant to …

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Forgive Us – How to Be Like God

Storm Rock and Sand

Forgive Us – How to Be Like God audio video notes. How is it that those words never prick the hearts of hate-controlled people? There is no way anyone should be able to pray the Lord’s Prayer and remain bitter and unforgiving. I observe how preachers hate people. I watch people hate preachers, and I …

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Give Us – How to Ask God for What We Need

Storm Rock and Sand

Give Us – How to Ask God for What We Need audio video notes. At this point in prayer, we most often do what Jesus told us not to do: We begin asking, begging, and justifying. Something is wrong with our understanding of Give Us Today Our Daily Bread. Father is concerned about far more …

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Your Will – How to Know God’s Will for Your Life

Storm Rock and Sand

Your Will – How to Know God’s Will for Your Life audio video notes. It’s interesting to me how the Lord Jesus said we should first talk with Father about his kingdom and then about his will or ‘your will’. If we want to achieve Father’s attention in prayer, talk to him about his kingdom …

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Your Kingdom – Transforming Society with God’s Love

Storm Rock and Sand

Your Kingdom – Transforming Society with God’s Love audio video notes. Jesus said to pray, ‘Your kingdom come …on earth as it is in heaven.’ Why pray for it to come if it is present now and was even present when Jesus instructed us to pray this? The answer—the kingdom has not come to earth …

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