Pentecost the Hope of the World

Personal Preparation For Pentecost audio

Pentecost the Hope of the World message notes. People have no idea what Pentecost is actually about. Is it something emotional, extreme, a denominational movement, or tongues? Or, is Pentecost the hope of the world? Pentecost the Hope of the World By Pastor Delbert Young Scriptures: Acts 2:1-4, John 16:7-8, Acts 2:41-42, 44, 46-47 Pentecost …

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New Horizons: The Power of a Paradigm


The Paradigm sermon notes. How many would like to see our church become the paradigm – the example church, the model church, the pattern church, the church setting the standard, and the prototype church? New Horizons: The Power of a Paradigm by Pastor Young Scriptures: Romans 8:28, Matthew 4:23, John 3:3-5, Matthew 4:23, John 10:10, …

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Discovering the Extraordinary in Everyday Life: A Sermon Series

Ordinary or Extraordinary sermon series

Discovering the Extraordinary in Everyday Life: A Sermon Series video audio notes. By all means, ordinary people live ordinary lives and die ordinary deaths never changing or affecting anything or anyone. On the contrary, extraordinary people live extraordinary lives and affect and change something. Similarly, I have never been ordinary. In short, my name is …

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Unveiling the Truth: Two Manners of People

Ordinary or Extraordinary sermon series

Two Manners of People audio video notes The scriptures teach there are different types, or Two Manners, of People. In the womb of Rebekah, there were two manners of people. One would be stronger than the other. One would serve the other. In the church, the mother of us all (Gal 4:26), exists two manners …

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Exploring Creativity: A Deeper Look at ‘Creative Thinking’ Sermon

Ordinary or Extraordinary sermon series

Creative Thinking audio video notes. Do we copy or create? An extraordinary church will be creative. Creative thinking is not taking someone’s idea and copying it or making it better. God did not take some different god’s idea and improve on it or make it applicable to what he wanted to accomplish. This is not …

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Ordinary or Extraordinary sermon notes

Ordinary or Extraordinary sermon series

Ordinary or Extraordinary sermon notes. Ordinary people live ordinary lives and die ordinary deaths never changing or affecting anything or anyone. Extraordinary people live extraordinary lives and affect and change something. I have never been ordinary. My name is not ordinary. Nothing about me is ordinary. Our church is not ordinary. How about you? Ordinary …

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Offering and Sacrifice Is More Than Money Series

Offering in One Accord audio

Offering and Sacrifice Is More Than Money sermon series video audio notes. We have come to a place in the church world where we associate Offering And Sacrifice with money only. We even say, “We are going to receive the offering.” People program us to think we must give God our money to appease God …

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Stopping the Plague audio video notes

Offering in One Accord audio

Stopping the Plague audio video notes. Offering And Sacrifice even stopped a plague allowed by the Lord. A part of the power of Offering And Sacrifice is to Stop bad things from plaguing your life. We have national leaders, like David, who make bad/horrible decisions. This is why we should always pray and know as …

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How Can I Know sermon notes

Offering in One Accord audio

How Can I Know sermon notes. How Can You Know God will do what he said he would do? But Abram said, ‘O Sovereign Lord, How Can I Know that I will gain possession of it?’ So, How Can You Know? How did Abram know? How did Abram stop doubting and know? Let’s see. Offering …

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