Playing With Strange Fire

Offering in One Accord audio

Playing With Strange Fire sermon audio video notes. Nadab and Abihu, two of Aaron’s sons and Moses’ nephews grab their censers and begin spreading the incense. As they gave their offering, a strange fire came from the Lord, but this fire “devoured” Nadab and Abihu. I want us to see today the Lord is very …

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Cain Gave A Disrespectful Offering To The Lord

Offering in One Accord audio

Cain Gave A Disrespectful Offering To The Lord sermon audio video notes. The difference between Cain’s offering and Abel’s offering was faith. It was not what Cain offered to God. It was the way Cain offered to God. Abel had faith in what he offered and sacrificed. He believed in his offering. Able had faith …

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Noah the Man Who Found Grace Series

Noah's Nakedness

Noah the Man Who Found Grace Series. God’s patience for repentance of wickedness is long but always limited. It is at this time we meet an end-time generation and a man named Noah. Noah the Man Who Found Grace Series by Delbert Young Noah the Man Who Found Grace Series . Perfect In His Generations …

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Unveiling the Truth about Noah’s Nakedness

Noah's Nakedness

Noah’s Nakedness sermon notes. Ham failed to do the proper thing – cover his dad. That failure reaped terrible consequences, and not for Ham only. The major lesson is Ham’s actions brought a curse upon his generations. NOAH By Pastor Delbert Young Noah’s Nakedness Scriptures: Hebrews 11:7, 2 Peter 2:5, Genesis 7:1, Genesis 7:23, Genesis …

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Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord

Noah's Nakedness

Noah Found Grace in the Eyes of the Lord sermon notes. Noah was not normal for his day. See, Noah was abnormal because Noah found saving grace in the eyes of the Lord. Also, Noah’s family was not normal. Noah would be called a “fanatic” today. Noah’s call was not normal because Noah did not …

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Perfect in His Generations Noah’s Profound Life

Noah's Nakedness

Perfect In His Generations sermon notes. God’s patience for repentance of wickedness is long but always limited. It is at this time we meet Noah though perfect in his generations, it was an end-time generation.  NOAH By Pastor Delbert Young Perfect In His Generations Scriptures: Genesis 6:8-9, Job 1:6, 2:1; Numbers 13:33, Deuteronomy 7:2-3 Perfect …

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Marriage sermon series audio video notes

Husbands Key Responsibility In Marriage audio video notes

Marriage sermon series audio video notes. Apostle Peter gave several keys on how to make a marriage work. He spoke to wives and husbands even when one of the spouses was a non-believer. It’s amazing insight for today. Marriage Marriage sermon series video audio notes Wives Key Responsibility In Marriage – sermon video audio notes …

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Husbands Key Responsibility In Marriage

Husbands Key Responsibility In Marriage audio video notes

Husbands Key Responsibility In Marriage audio video notes. There are amazing results when husbands are considerate of their wives, respect their wives, and see their wives as their partners in life. What are the results? Nothing will hinder your prayers. Husband, are your prayers being answered? If not, how are you treating your wife? MARRIAGE …

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Wives Key Responsibility In Marriage

Husbands Key Responsibility In Marriage audio video notes

Wives Key Responsibility In Marriage audio video notes. Marriages work only when wives and husbands fulfill their key responsibilities. What is a wife’s key responsibility in a marriage? The use of rings in marriage dates back to some 4,000 years ago. The circle is the symbol of eternity as it has no beginning and no …

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Living In Peace sermon series

Peace In the World sermon video audio notes

Living In Peace sermon series videos audio notes. We live in a world and society that enjoys a strange dichotomy. We say we desire to LIVE IN PEACE, yet we love conflict and live so much of our lives worrying, arguing with people, anxious about everything, stressed about life, with chaos in the family, etc. …

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