I Want to Leave Something Here sermon series videos audios notes

7 Brand New Man sermon video audio

I Want to Leave Something Here sermon series videos audios notes. I took the song “When the Sand Runs Out” by Rascal Flats and used it from a Scriptural perspective and made this series. God not only has a plan for us to have abundant and successful lives, he also wants us to impact our …

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Brand New Man: How to Embrace Your Spiritual Metamorphosis

7 Brand New Man sermon video audio

Brand New Man: How to Embrace Your Spiritual Metamorphosis sermon video audio notes. A Christ follower experiences a spiritual metamorphosis just as a butterfly experiences a natural metamorphosis. The Holy Spirit wraps us in a spiritual cocoon. The metamorphosis begins with the desire to produce a beautiful new person who can fly great distances and …

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Change from the Inside Out sermon

7 Brand New Man sermon video audio

Change from the Inside Out sermon video audio notes. The Holy Spirit desires to give us an Extreme Makeover that remains and shows externally. The Holy Spirit’s work is to cause us to Change Us From The Inside Out. And, when the Holy Spirit works, it is extreme. Let’s talk about a few of the …

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Face My Fears sermon video audio notes

7 Brand New Man sermon video audio

Face My Fears sermon video audio notes. Given enough information, we find every character in the Bible experienced fears and I am including Jesus in my statement. Noah experienced fear building the ark (Heb 11:7). Abraham had many fears. Jacob was afraid of Esau and Laban. Moses feared failure. The Lord was constantly telling Joshua …

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Take Time To Dance sermon

7 Brand New Man sermon video audio

Take Time To Dance sermon video audio notes. I am not specifically talking about dancing. However, I am talking about taking time to refresh and taking time to de-stress. I cannot find a highly successful person in the Bible who left something here and who did not experience stress. This includes Jesus. Jesus stressed so …

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Stop Looking Back sermon video audio notes

7 Brand New Man sermon video audio

Stop Looking Back sermon video audio notes. Looking back will turn us into a pillar of salt as it did Lot’s wife and cause our tombstones to be placed in the wilderness as it did the children of Israel. God said to forget the past and press toward the future. Find what it is that …

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Kissing Calves sermon video

Kissing Calves sermon video

Kissing Calves sermon video. Hosea 13:2 “…Let the men that sacrifice kiss the calve” Kissing Calves – So many kiss the images of silver and gold. People are kissing the idols of money or things or success or people. The scriptures tell us to kiss the Son Jesus Christ the King. Our families are destroyed. …

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Kingdom Truth sermon series videos notes

Prayer sermon video audio

Kingdom Truth sermon series videos audio notes. This is a special series Pastor Young taught to give answers to people concerning belief in (1) The Time of the Kingdom; (2) The Great Tribulation; (3) The Rapture; (4) Father God; (5) The Antichrist; (6) We Are Still Here – after the many predictions of the rapture …

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Prayer sermon video audio

Prayer sermon video audio

Prayer sermon video audio. People need to pray. We know we should pray. We know the Lord wants us to pray. The problem isn’t that we don’t know we should pray. The problem is having a desire to pray. This lesson is about developing a desire to pray. If I can help you desire to …

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Antichrist sermon: How to Understand Biblical Context

Prayer sermon video audio

Antichrist sermon: How to Understand Biblical Context video audio notes. Antichrist has been a fear phrase used by preachers for over a century. The word sounds mystical and intriguing. Today’s theologians use it with recklessness abandoned. It’s tossed into sermons to strike fear and cause minds to come to attention. It is similar to threatening …

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