Jonah The Book sermon series

Angry Jonah Does Not Matter sermon video audio notes

Jonah The Book sermon series videos audio notes. Jonah is an interesting and unique Scripture character. He was anointed, but he didn’t want to do what he was anointed to do. Because of this, Jonah, like us, found himself in a bad place with people and with God. Let’s take a look at Jonah. Jonah …

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Angry Jonah Does Not Matter

Angry Jonah Does Not Matter sermon video audio notes

Angry Jonah Does Not Matter sermon video audio notes. Jonah was consumed with glowing, blazing, red-hot anger, hate, self-righteousness, and racism, but Angry Jonah Doesn’t Matter. He wanted these people destroyed. Another question is does it matter to God Jonah became angry? No, in this it will not change how the Lord will love and …

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Jonah Will Obey: How to Overcome Reluctance in Serving God

Angry Jonah Does Not Matter sermon video audio notes

Jonah Will Obey: How to Overcome Reluctance in Serving God sermon video audio and notes. Explore God’s persistence and mercy. Understand the urgency of God’s call and the consequences of disobedience in this insightful message. Your message to your Nineveh is not complex but simple, direct, and confrontational. Your clock, their clock, is ticking. Where …

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Jonah Will Pray sermon video audio notes

Angry Jonah Does Not Matter sermon video audio notes

Jonah Will Pray sermon video audio notes. Jonah chapter 2 is called the ‘Prayer of Jonah,’ or the ‘Psalm of Jonah.’ It’s about God finally getting Jonah’s attention. There is a time when God will get your attention. Jonah will pray! The Book of Jonah By Pastor Delbert Young Jonah Will Pray sermon video audio …

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The Word of the Lord Came to Jonah

Angry Jonah Does Not Matter sermon video audio notes

The Word of the Lord Came to Jonah sermon video audio notes. Would you put your name in the place of Jonah for me, please? We serve a talking Lord. God created Adam and Eve because he wanted to walk, talk, and communicate with his children. Jesus said, “My sheep hear my voice, and I …

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James The Book How Life Works series

Truth and Evangelism How They Work sermon video audio notes. I want you to take a moment and imagine you backslid. You stopped coming to church. You got away for Jesus and truth.

James The Book How Life Works sermon series videos audios notes. A look into the Book of James, the half-brother of Jesus. I want us to walk out today thinking, “Yes. that’s the way life actually works.” James said, look into a mirror. Fix or don’t fix what you see. That’s how your life works. …

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Truth and Evangelism How They Work

Truth and Evangelism How They Work sermon video audio notes. I want you to take a moment and imagine you backslid. You stopped coming to church. You got away for Jesus and truth.

Truth and Evangelism How They Work sermon video audio notes. I want you to take a moment and imagine you backslid. You stopped coming to church. You got away for Jesus and truth. Don’t think too hard about it, but what if you did? How do you think life would go? Would life deteriorate? Would …

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Prayer How It Works sermon

Truth and Evangelism How They Work sermon video audio notes. I want you to take a moment and imagine you backslid. You stopped coming to church. You got away for Jesus and truth.

Prayer How It Works sermon video audio notes. James’ context is the danger of swearing or making deals with God. Instead, be a person of integrity and be a person of prayer. God’s people should say “Yes” when we mean yes and say “No” when we mean no. By being people of integrity, we will …

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Wealth And The Lord’s Coming

Truth and Evangelism How They Work sermon video audio notes. I want you to take a moment and imagine you backslid. You stopped coming to church. You got away for Jesus and truth.

Wealth And The Lord’s Coming How They Work sermon video audio notes. Of what coming was James speaking? What did James mean when he told people two thousand years ago they had hoarded wealth in the last days? James sounded like John in the Revelation talking about Jesus coming soon and quickly. What’s up with …

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Slander And Judging How They Work

Truth and Evangelism How They Work sermon video audio notes. I want you to take a moment and imagine you backslid. You stopped coming to church. You got away for Jesus and truth.

Slander And Judging How They Work sermon video audio notes. It was interesting as I studied this to learn if a person will not repent and attempt to correct his or her slander and judging ways, the Lord will actually give them over to it. He will not stop a slanderer from slandering. He stops …

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