Time What Do I Need to Learn part 2

Get A Life sermon series video audio notes

Time What Do I Need to Learn part 2 sermon video audio notes. I must learn to manage time to have an abundant life. You have only so much time. How many have ever said something like, ‘The TIME just got away from me!’? Or, ‘I am wasting time!’ I squandered much of my time …

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What Do I Need to Learn: How to Renew My Mind in Christ

Get A Life sermon series video audio notes

What Do I Need to Learn: How to Renew My Mind in Christ – sermon video audio notes. In The Sixth Sense, Cole Sear (Haley Joel Osment) said, ‘I see dead people… walking around like regular people… they only see what they want to see… dead people don’t know they’re dead.’ That’s not only a …

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What Am I Good At sermon audio video notes

Get A Life sermon series video audio notes

What Am I Good At sermon audio video notes If you are going to discover what you are good at doing, you must be honest about your talents. I would love to be an NFL quarterback like Tom Brady. I would love to be able to call plays and throw a football fifty yards for …

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Am I Making Mile Markers sermon

Get A Life sermon series video audio notes

Am I Making Mile Markers sermon video audio notes. What do you do when you look out the window of life and keep seeing the same mile marker? How do you know if you are making progress through life? We need mile markers. When you go on a long trip across the country in your …

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What is Really Important to me? sermon

Get A Life sermon series video audio notes

What is Really Important to me? sermon video audio notes. People who have an abundant life not only know what they want to do, they know why they want to do it. They have figured out what is really important – valuable – to them. You will never GET A LIFE until your core values …

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Why Am I Here: How to Fulfill Your Divine Destiny

Get A Life sermon series video audio notes

Why Am I Here: How to Fulfill Your Divine Destiny – sermon video audio notes. “Why Am I Here” tackles life’s big question. Learn how to uncover your purpose, avoid distractions, and live intentionally in this thought-provoking sermon. You are not clueless about your life. Passion, talent, personality, and experience give you great insight into …

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Fishers For The Kingdom sermon

Fishers For The Kingdom sermon notes

Fishers For The Kingdom sermon notes. The rod and the reel, the bait, and the net do not determine where the bait, lure, or cast is placed. It is determined by the master. So is it with us in the kingdom? Also, the locations where we find ourselves are divinely orchestrated, and we should be …

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Financial Liberation sermon series

Financial Liberation sermon series video audio notes

Financial Liberation sermon series video audio notes. We go to school to be equipped to earn money. Additionally, we spend forty or more years of our adult lives earning it. Also, we invest countless hours and thoughts in deciding how we are going to handle it. Another thing is we walk through houses, stores, car …

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Spiritual Development in Giving sermon

Financial Liberation sermon series video audio notes

Spiritual Development in Giving sermon audio video notes. We are all traveling through this journey with Jesus. We will all develop to a certain point in the levels of giving. God will bless anything we give to his kingdom, but he desires that we enjoy Financial Liberation. Some of us are at the membership-giving level. …

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Interest Ally or Enemy sermon

Financial Liberation sermon series video audio notes

Interest Ally or Enemy sermon video audio notes. The parable from Luke 19 where Jesus tells about the man who took what God had given him and did not increase it. He could have gained interest. Have you ever wondered how it is those who have gotten more and those who have less lose what …

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