We Have Found: How to Share Your Faith

Have you invited anyone

We Have Found: How to Invite Others sermon video audio notes. The second easy and effective step to bring people to Jesus Christ is to invite people to what you have found. Andrew said WE HAVE FOUND THE MESSIAH! Maybe it is your small group where you FOUND excitement and a real experience with Jesus. …

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Growing Up In God sermon series

Growing Up in Serving video audio

Growing Up In God sermon series videos audios notes. There are maturity levels in the Kingdom of God (1 John 1:12-14). At what level do you think you might be? Are you a little child, young man, or father? Arrested Development Syndrome is a mental condition where a person’s mental development is arrested. Many, perhaps …

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Growing Up in Spiritual Gifts sermon

Growing Up in Serving video audio

Growing Up In Spiritual Gifts video audio notes. Do mature Christians operate in spiritual gifts? Did Jesus, Paul, Peter, James, John, etc.? Do you? How many of you are blessed when your children not only OPEN but — USE the gifts you give them? That is how it is with spiritual gifts. God gives every …

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Growing Up in Serving: How to Make an Eternal Impact

Growing Up in Serving video audio

Growing Up in Serving: How to Make an Eternal Impact audio video notes. What do you think? Do mature believers find, join, and maybe create a place to enjoy serving in their local churches? Did and does Jesus serve the church? Did Paul serve in the church, and did Peter, James, John, and millions/billions of …

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Growing Up in Praise audio video notes

Growing Up in Serving video audio

Growing Up In Praise audio video notes. Allow me to begin by asking you a series of questions just to make you think. Should mature believers praise God the way the Bible instructs them to praise God? Do mature believers praise God in the bad times as well as the good times? Do mature believers …

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Growing Up in Giving sermon audio video notes

Growing Up in Serving video audio

Growing Up In Giving audio video notes. What I want to talk about today is what most say to be the number one universal immaturity issue found in Christ followers. What do you think that might be? That number one immaturity is financially giving to the kingdom of God. Let me ask you a question …

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Seven Personalities Of Evangelism – How to Lead People to Christ

Power of Intellectual Evangelism

Seven Personalities of Evangelism – How to Lead People to Christ sermon series videos audio notes. We examine the different types or personalities of evangelism at length. We each excel at one personality type. Our study is aimed at finding your best. Mine is intellectual style, but we each have one we do easily. Knowing your …

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Power of Intellectual Evangelism – How to Reach the Rational Mind

Power of Intellectual Evangelism

Power of Intellectual Evangelism – How to Reach the Rational Mind audio video notes. Being religious does not mean being right (righteous) before God. A person can be sincere but sincerely wrong. This bothers the intellectual person. The Pharisees were religious but crucified Jesus. To an intellectual person, being accurate is an important point. I …

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Power of Testimonial Evangelism – How to Proclaim Life Transformation

Power of Intellectual Evangelism

Power of Testimonial Evangelism – How to Proclaim Life Transformation audio video notes. The testimonial style evangelist realizes God took a life blind and begging and made it abundant. God took a person’s imperfections, even what some would consider God’s judgments, and displayed God’s marvelous works. God has used the bad, the negative, the failures, …

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Power of Invitation Evangelism – How to Whet Their Appetite

Power of Intellectual Evangelism

Power of Invitation Evangelism – How to Whet Their Appetite audio video notes. Most of us have used this style along our journey. Nothing energizes us more than getting someone to come to church with us. Did we use the invitation to share what Jesus had done for us? We were probably so excited someone …

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