People You Should Meet and People

People You Should Meet and People You Should Miss sermon video audio notes. These determine your future and destiny. We want and need to meet those who will help direct us to the doors God has for us and help keep us on God’s best roads and plans for our lives. We want and need to miss those who will help cause us to go through the wrong doors and down the wrong roads leading to destruction, bad experiences, hurt, demonic connections. There are people you should miss. 

By Delbert Young

People You Should Meet and People You Should Miss

People You Should Meet and People You Should Miss sermon video audio notes. These determine your future and destiny. We want and need to meet those who will







People You Should Meet and People You Should Miss sermon video audio notes

Scriptures: Matthew 7:13-14, Proverbs 13:20, Acts 9:26-28, 2 Samuel 13:1, 2 Samuel 13:3

We are talking about Divine Appointments and Connections. We’ve seen the Lord has all your days written in his book before you ever lived one of them (Psa 139). We’ve talked about how God has plans for your prosperity, hope, and future (Jer 29:11). To accomplish all the plans God has for you, it will require you to meet many, many people. These people are divine appointments and connections. These are people God already has lined up to be at a specific place at an exact time for you to meet. They are divine appointments set up by God. A divine connection happens and the connection will lead to something life-changing.

It could be meeting your spouse, or meeting a life-long friend. Or, it could be meeting someone who opened a door of opportunity leading to a major break in your life. Or, it could be encountering someone who helped you in a time of need.

You’ve likely already experienced all the above and if God did it for you in your past, he’s doing it now and will do it in your future. It wasn’t an accident, coincidence, or chance. It was God supernaturally giving you divine appointments and connections. God was directing your steps and taking delight in every detail of your life (Psa 37:23-25). As we trust the Lord and leave our times in his hands (Psa 31:14-15), we will continue to enjoy these amazing divine appointments and connections leading us to green pastures, soul restoration, and still waters (Psa 23). God has Divine Appointments and Connections for You. Don’t force Appointments and Connections. If you must force an appointment or connection it’s not God. He will allow you to force it, but forced connections always end in grief, trouble, and problems.


We’ve all experienced both. If you look back at the people you should meet, you will see divine appointments and connections. When you look back at the people you should miss but didn’t, you will see a bad experience, hurt, grief, or even a demonic appointment and connection.

The people we meet and the people we wish we had missed both determine our futures and destinies. We want and need to meet those who will help direct us to the doors God has for us and help keep us on God’s best roads and plans for our lives. We want and need to miss those who will help cause us to go through the wrong doors and down the wrong roads leading to destruction, bad experiences, hurt, and demonic connections. It’s difficult enough to get through the correct doors and stay on the correct roads as it is. We don’t need any help to pull us off course.

Matthew 7:13-14 “ENTER THROUGH THE NARROW GATE. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to DESTRUCTION, and many enter through it. BUT SMALL IS THE GATE AND NARROW THE ROAD THAT LEADS TO LIFE, AND ONLY A FEW FIND IT.

A major reason it’s difficult to find the Narrow Gate is we meet and connect with people we should miss. We want to meet those who will help us unlock the gates to the plans of God. We want to miss those people who take us away from God’s opportunities and through the wrong gates and the wrong roads.

The people we meet and the people we miss in life determine our lives and our futures. Your life today is a product of who you met and who you missed years back. The people you meet and the people you miss have directed the course of your life in the past, the course of your life today, and the course of your future and destiny. How important is it to get this right?

The more you associate with the people you need to meet, the more your life will increase and the happier you will be. The more you associate with the people you should miss, the more bad experiences, hurt, grief, or even demonic appointments and connections you will have.

I recall when I was seven years old.

Our family moved a few miles from where we then lived. My dad noticed a school bus going by the new location and learned the bus went to the grammar school I attended. Naturally, my parents thought all I needed to do was board the bus and it would take me to my grammar school. What my parents didn’t know was there was another grammar school for children living in our new community. The bus first dropped the children off there before it picked up another load of children and took them to the school where I attended. One morning I boarded the bus and got off like all the other kids did, but at the wrong grammar school. I was totally lost.

I went home and told my parents.

They freaked and took me to the new school the next day making the necessary arrangements, but for me, it was a divine appointment and connection. On the first day at my new school, I met and became best friends with another seven-year-old. His name was Durell. He and I went all through grammar school, middle school, and high school, and roomed together at college. Durell was one of the godliest most positive influential people to me in my life. He wasn’t only a good friend. He was my only real “god friend,” and he was always a good example.

When I was with Durell all through those years, I never got into trouble. I did good things. Life always seemed to go upward and well. When I would get with my other friends the opposite was true. I was always in trouble, rebellious, skipped school, and struggled with grief and problems. Sometimes it was like some demon was influencing me. I’m sure you have your Durell – people you should meet. I’m sure you have your other friends also – people you should miss


Proverbs 13:20 HE WHO WALKS WITH THE WISE GROWS WISE, but a companion of fools suffers harm.

There are people we should meet and people we should miss.

(KJV) Proverbs 13:20  HE THAT WALKETH WITH WISE MEN SHALL BE WISE: but a companion of fools shall be destroyed.

Will God allow you to be a companion of fools? Yes. He wants you to walk with the wise, but if you want, he’ll allow you to be a companion of fools. All through life we need to determine in every relationship which the person is.

As I look back I easily see how I could walk with the wise, or I could companion with fools. Life went well when I walked with the wise and the people I should meet. They helped me go through the gates and down the roads and plans God had for me. I prospered. I had hope. My future was bright (Jer 29:11). There were green pastures, still waters, and soul restoration. Even in my bad valley times, the Lord was with me (Psa 23). The Lord was directing my steps. He was involved in every detail of my life (Psa 37). My times were in his hands (Psa 31) and life was good. I missed appointments and connections with people I should miss. The wise simply do not companion with fools.

When I walked with fools – people I should miss – the opposite happened. I met those I should miss. It’s with these fool’s companions that my life was full of trouble, problems, grief, and destruction. There are people you should meet and there are people you should miss.

Was my getting on the wrong bus an accident, coincidence, or chance? To me, it wasn’t, and as you now know, I don’t believe in coincidences. God will bring the people into your life and into the lives of your children at early ages. But, you need to teach your children the difference between walking with the wise and being a companion of fools. Both will direct the course of their futures.

We are told in the Bible about Saul of Tarsus.

Saul was a cruel man who persecuted the church. Firstly, he was a religious Pharisee and as long as he was a companion of the Pharisees, he arrested Christians and even consented to the stoning of Stephen. Secondly, he actually began to destroy the church (Act 8:1-3), but on his way to Damascus, Saul experienced a supernatural encounter with Jesus. Moreover, he met who he needed to meet – Jesus. Saul was miraculously converted and became a Christ follower. Jesus called Saul to preach the gospel and Saul wanted to obey. However, there was a problem. People didn’t believe Saul. Everyone thought Saul was attempting to get inside the church to its leaders and do more destruction, but the Lord had set up a divine appointment and connection for Saul.

Acts 9:26-28 When he came to Jerusalem, HE TRIED TO JOIN THE DISCIPLES, but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he really was a disciple. BUT BARNABAS took him and brought him to the apostles. He told them how Saul on his journey had seen the Lord and that the Lord had spoken to him, and how in Damascus he had preached fearlessly in the name of Jesus. SO SAUL STAYED WITH THEM and moved about freely in Jerusalem, speaking boldly in the name of the Lord.

The encounter Saul had with Barnabas opened the narrow gate for Saul to fulfill God’s plan and to go down the road God had for Saul. This Saul became Paul the apostle who wrote half of the New Testament. He began churches all over the Mediterranean basin. All Saul needed was Barnabas and God already had Barnabas positioned to meet Saul.

You wonder how you will get the job or the advancement or the appointment you want. All God has to do is send you one Barnabas. Meeting one person you should meet will open a door to your destiny and change the rest of your life. One person putting in the right word for you at the right time will take you to a new level.

The same is true for the other direction. I don’t need to go into detail about how Samson’s encounter with Delilah ended. Samson’s birth was supernatural. He was called by God before he was born. He was a powerful man, but meeting one person he should have missed destroyed his life.

King David had eight wives who gave him nineteen sons and one daughter we are told about. One of his sons was named Amnon.

2 Samuel 13:1 In the course of time, Amnon son of David fell in love with Tamar, the beautiful sister of Absalom son of David.

Tamar was Amnon’s half-sister. Amnon had bad intentions toward her. Tamar was a virgin, but Amnon wanted her sexually regardless. He’d restrained himself until a friend made a suggestion.

2 Samuel 13:3 Now Amnon had a friend named Jonadab son of Shimeah, David’s brother. Jonadab was a very shrewd man.

Jonadab’s idea was to deceive David, Amnon, and Tamar’s father, into instructing Tamar to come to Amnon’s house and cook for Amnon who pretended to be sick. David allowed Tamar to go and Amnon raped his sister. David didn’t deal with or punish Amnon, but Tamar had a big brother named Absalom. Two years later Absalom set up an assassination and had Amnon killed. Exactly as meeting one Barnabas can open the gate to your future and destiny in a good way, meeting one Delilah, or one Jonadab can open the gate to destruction and death.


Some might say, “Yes, I’ve met some people I should have missed and now my life is a mess.” Not necessarily. You will need to change companions. You will need to seek God. God will take what seems a mess and turn it into a miracle. A man who is now a leader in our church named Doug went through a deceitful traumatic marriage ending in a dreaded divorce while living in a different town. He’d fought for his marriage, but his wife would have it no other way than divorce. It was a mess. After the divorce, a friend of Doug’s kept trying to set him up with blind dates, but Doug wasn’t interested and always said no thanks.

One day a beautiful woman who also went through a horrible marriage and divorced eight years prior asked Doug’s friend if he knew anyone she might like. He immediately thought about Doug and called him again. For some reason this time Doug said he’d go. After saying yes, he tried several times to cancel the date but was never able to get in touch. As Doug says, “This was before cell phones.” Finally, he went on the date and met Linda. There are people you should meet and people you should miss. Linda was a person Doug needed to meet and Doug was a person Linda needed to meet.

That night they drove around with the other couple and talked, but the next night Doug picked Linda up for a real date.

They went dancing. A year later they were married and have been happily married, as I write, nearly thirty-one years. Doug’s words are, “We have been blessed with four daughters, eight grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren.” Doug says, “The first go around we did it our way, and it failed. This time we put God first and He has blessed us greatly.” God will turn your mess into a miracle. There are people you should meet and people you should miss.

I had recently become the pastor of the church. We were only months into my ministry here. We were in a tiny building where we met at the time. It was a Sunday night. I finished sharing and when looking out into the congregation, I saw Linda with her hand in the air. She and Doug then sat on the back row. We were a very small church, so seeing her raised hand was no problem. Looking at her, I said, “Yes Linda?” She stood to her feet and said, “I want to thank God for giving me a great husband. He is a wonderful man…” She went on talking and crying about how God had turned her mourning into dancing.

I didn’t know their story at the time. I didn’t know they had recently married, but I agree with Linda today. God did give her a great husband. Doug is a wonderful man and one of the best men I’ve ever met. Not only was Doug someone Linda should meet. Doug is someone I and you should meet.

If God turned Doug and Linda’s mourning into dancing, he will do the same for you.

There are PEOPLE YOU SHOULD MEET AND PEOPLE YOU SHOULD MISS. Both direct the course of your life. Your life today and your future tomorrow is a product of PEOPLE YOU SHOULD MEET AND PEOPLE YOU SHOULD MISS.

People You Should Meet and People You Should Miss

People You Should Meet and People You Should Miss

People You Should Meet and People You Should Miss

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Delbert Young Sermons YouTube

People You Should Meet and People You Should Miss