The Dream Sermon Series: How to Think Big and Dream Bigger. This series emphasizes that God has promised to put a dream and vision into every heart, regardless of age or gender. This divine dream is a core desire placed within us to succeed, prosper, and fulfill a specific purpose for both God and ourselves. To think big and dream bigger, we must recognize that we are not created for mediocrity but for an abundant, supernatural life. Overcoming obstacles is crucial, as every dream faces challenges. By aligning our personal aspirations with our spiritual desires, we can live the abundant life Jesus intended.
The series encourages believers to prepare for their dreams, get busy living them out, and trust that God wants to ignite or reignite these visions, regardless of past detours or perceived limitations.
The Dream Sermon Series: How to Think Big and Dream Bigger
by Delbert Young
Dream Down Deep Inside – sermon video audio notes
There is a core desire, a dream, a vision – in your heart placed there by God himself. It’s a dream down deep inside of you to succeed and prosper and enjoy life to the fullest. Also, it’s a dream to do something specific for God and, at the same time, do something specific for your own self. Furthermore, it’s at the center of who you are. It’s been there all your life.
Obstacles of the Dream – sermon video audio notes
As surely as God gives a dream, the enemy will give obstacles. He will come at us the hardest in areas that will affect the dream. There are always obstacles to every dream. Jesus had obstacles. David had obstacles. Samuel had obstacles. Joseph had obstacles. If we are going to live our dreams, then we must identify and overcome obstacles.
Success and Maintaining the Dream – sermon video audio notes
In every person, there is a desire for personal success and prosperity, but also, in every person, there is a spiritual desire to know and pursue God. God promised to put a dream and vision in you, but he also promised to put a spiritual desire in you. It is when both of these are correctly pursued we live the abundant life Jesus came to give us.
Dream Big – sermon video audio notes
You were not created to be average. You were not created to live a mediocre life. Indeed, you are not here to barely make it through life and always struggling. You are to live a supernatural, abundant life. Undeniably, you were not created to think small. God wants you to dream big. Inside of your heart is God’s Spirit and God thinks big. You will never experience the abundant life you desire unless you first dream big.
Preparing for the Dream – sermon video audio notes
Maybe you detoured from what you really wanted. You began doing something else. Today, you want to pursue the dream again but don’t think you can. I want to encourage you and tell you that you can. All you need to do is to begin preparing for your dream.
Get Busy Living – sermon video audio notes
In the movie Shawshank Redemption, Andy talks to Red about his dream of living in Mexico on the Pacific. Red told Andy there was no way he could live his dream. He was in prison for the rest of his life. Andy said, ‘I guess it comes down to a simple choice, really. Get busy living or get busy dying.’ He escaped his prison.
Your Dream Sermon Series Summation – sermon notes
God has put a dream and a vision in every heart. He has a plan to give you a hope and a future. There are desires in your heart because God put them there to lead you to blessings and to advance his kingdom. You may be like Moses and your dream has been pushed down. God wants to set it on fire again. You may be like Sarah and think you are too old, but God wants to birth the promise.
DREAM sermon series video audio notes
DREAM sermon series video audio notes
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