Financial Liberation Series: How to Implement God’s Plan

Financial Liberation Series: How to Implement God’s Plan. This series explores biblical principles for managing money, emphasizing a balanced approach to earning, spending, and giving. It acknowledges the central role of money in our lives, from education and career choices to daily decisions and relationships. The series introduces the “8-1-1” plan, advocating for allocating 10% of income to savings, 10% to the kingdom of God, and a third-year tithe to charity. It addresses various financial personalities, from “pillow people” who avoid work to “earning addicts” consumed by money. The teachings highlight the importance of wise stewardship, the power of compound interest, and the spiritual growth that comes from generous giving, ultimately aiming to guide believers toward financial freedom aligned with God’s principles.

Financial Liberation sermon series video audio notes

Financial Liberation

Financial Liberation sermon series video audio notes

Pillow People to Addict People – sermon video audio notes

One end of the continuum is pillow people who can’t and won’t get off the couch. They won’t work and expect others to take care of them. The other end is the earning addict. They can’t stop getting money because of the power and control it gives them. Both are in bondage, and believe me, one is no better than the other. The question is, where are you on the continuum?

Money Who Wants to be a Millionaire? – sermon video audio notes

Money Who Wants to be a Millionaire? – God has a Biblical financial money plan. I call it 8-1-1. The plan is to give ten percent of my prosperity to myself, ten percent to the kingdom, and a third-year tithe to alms. If I do this during the course of my life, I will retire as a millionaire. Allow me to show you how this works from the scriptures. Money Who Wants to be a Millionaire?

Interest, Ally or Enemy – sermon video audio notes

In the parable from Luke 19, Jesus tells about the man who took what God had given him and did not increase it. He could have gained interest. Have you ever wondered how those who acquired more and those who have less lose what they have? Does it seem fair to you? Today I hope we see a part of the answer. Handling money correctly will give us more. Mishandling money will take what we do have and give it to someone else who has more.

Spiritual Development in Giving – sermon video audio notes

We are all traveling through this journey with Jesus. We will all develop to a certain point in our giving levels. God will bless anything we give to his kingdom, but he desires that we enjoy Financial Liberation. Some of us are at the membership-giving level, some of us are at the gratitude level, some of us are at the obedience level, and a few are at the sacrificial level.

Financial Liberation sermon series video audio notes

Financial Liberation sermon series

Financial Liberation sermon series video audio notes

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