Hearing The Voice Of God Study Audio

Hearing The Voice Of God Study. How do we hear the Lord’s voice. First, just listen! But, there’s more. How do we hear the voice of God? There’s the 1) authoritative voice of God, 2) the still small voice of God, 3) the witnessing voice of God and 4) the enlightenment voice of God.

We’ve been taught God doesn’t talk today. Not true. Seminaries don’t teach ministers how to hear God. The relationship the Lord wants with us is the same relationship the Father and Jesus have. There is a unique closeness the Lord desires to experience with us. A unique aspect of the followers of Jesus Christ is we can communicate with God meaning we not only talk to Him but He talks to us.

From Genesis to Revelation God is communicating and talking to His people. Jesus desires to lead us through life. He said He’s called us and purposed us. If we will hear His voice and follow Him we can have an abundant life.

Hearing The Voice Of God Study Audio


Authoritative Voice Of God (not available but recapped in next lesson)

Depression – Hearing Small Voice Of God Audio

Witnessing Voice Of God Audio

Enlightenment Voice Of God Audio


Hearing The Voice Of God Study Audio

Hearing The Voice Of God Study Audio

Depression – Hearing Small Voice Of God. Depression comes to us when depressed, in fear, and when the Lord is not happy with us. This is not a good voice to want to hear. How do we hear the Lord’s voice. First, just listen! We’ve been taught God doesn’t talk today. Not true. Seminaries don’t teach ministers how to hear God. The relationship the Lord wants with us is the same relationship the Father and Jesus have. There is a unique closeness the Lord desires to experience with us. A unique aspect of the followers of Jesus Christ is we can communicate with God.

Witnessing Voice Of God. The reason many Christians run shipwreck is because they never get a witness from the living speaking Word of God. This is the witness we need to know if what we believe we are hearing is God’s voice?

Enlightenment Voice Of God. The Lord speaks to us by showing/enlightening things to us in pictures or images. Jesus said He could do nothing but what the Father showed Him. God speaks to us by enlightening images to us.

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