Be Rich Sermon Series: How to Find True Wealth. This sermon series challenges the common perception that wealth equals success and happiness. Instead of focusing on how to accumulate riches, it explores the concept of being rich in a way that honors God. The series emphasizes that many people are already wealthy but may not realize it. It encourages listeners to examine their relationship with money, asking whether they love it or use it as a tool for good. The sermons also contrast intentional giving with intentional taking, urging believers to adopt a generous mindset. Ultimately, the series aims to help people find true wealth by aligning their financial practices with biblical principles and eternal perspectives.
Be Rich Sermon Series: How to Find True Wealth
by Delbert Young
Be Rich Sermon Series: How to Find True Wealth
I Am Rich: How to Live with Eternal Perspective – sermon notes audio video
The scriptures do not teach us so much about how to GET rich. Actually, getting rich is sort of a given for the Christ Follower who walks in the ways of God. The Bible does teach much about How to BE RICH in a way that honors and pleases God. Our series is not How To GET Rich. The series is about HOW TO BE RICH. I am rich.
Deceitfulness of Riches: How to Serve God First – sermon notes audio video
Riches promise things they cannot deliver. Also, riches promise happiness. Furthermore, riches promise security. Riches promise satisfaction. Moreover, riches promise peace and joy, but riches cannot give those things. Only God can give those things. There’s a deceitfulness of riches. Jesus spoke of people who actually received the word of God, like you and me. They knew the word, but the deceitfulness of riches literally choked the spiritual life out of them. Their lives became worthless and unproductive.
Give Intentionally: How to Make Giving a Priority – sermon notes, audio video
In detail, we scheme for ways to get what we want. We are INTENTIONAL consumers. As a matter of fact, we plan how to “intentionally” consume. If we want something badly enough we begin thinking and scheming. If I cut back on this and this and don’t eat for a month, I can get it. But, have you ever heard someone say, If I don’t go out to lunch every day and if I don’t buy that LCD HD TV, and if I don’t get those new clothes, I will be able to give intentionally? How rare would this be?
Be Rich Sermon Series: How to Find True Wealth
Be Rich Sermon Series: How to Find True Wealth
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