Deal or No Deal Series: How to Handle God’s Propositions explores God’s offers to humanity as presented in Scripture. This sermon series examines key biblical concepts where God proposes a “deal” to His people, offering blessings in exchange for obedience. Topics include tithing, forgiveness, salvation, and hearing God’s Word. The series challenges listeners to consider whether they will accept God’s terms or choose their own path.
Deal or No Deal Series: How to Handle God’s Propositions
Deal or No Deal Series: How to Handle God’s Propositions
Giving a Tithe – sermon video audio notes+6663
Here is the Lord’s deal: He said if you will BRING the whole tithe – not 2% or 7% – the whole tithe, you can test him. He said, “…see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” Notice it says, “…pour out so much blessing…” It may not be money he pours out. It will be the blessing you need.
Giving Tithes sermon video audio notes greatest hits series
You enable or hold back ministry by your giving or not giving tithes. You add or stop maintenance and improvements by how you give, and you rob God by not supporting the ministry he gives and by not helping to maintain your place of worship. We know you love the ministry, but do you help support? That is why the tithe is holy.
Deal Or No Deal Sermon Series audio video notes
Forgiving – sermon video audio notes
We are never more like our heavenly Father than when we forgive. Nothing is more Christian than forgiving. You are children OF YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN when you forgive. The process of forgiveness begins with love by praying for those who have injured you exactly as Jesus said to do. Pray for, not against them. Bless them. Ask the Lord to do good things for them.
Salvation and Resurrection of the Dead – sermon video audio notes
Salvation and Resurrection of the Dead is a fundamental Christian doctrine that Jesus Christ addressed in His teachings. Jesus explained that all people will be resurrected, but the nature of that resurrection depends on one’s relationship with Him. Those who hear His word and believe in Him will experience the resurrection of life, while those who reject Him face the resurrection of condemnation. This doctrine emphasizes the eternal consequences of our choices and the importance of faith in Christ for salvation.
Hearing the Word of God – sermon video audio notes
The Lord made a deal with us. By hearing the Word of God we can know and understand the mysteries of the parables meaning the mysteries of life. Others listen but never hear. Imagine being able to understand vital mysteries about life!
Deal or No Deal Series: How to Handle God’s Propositions
Deal or No Deal Series: How to Handle God’s Propositions
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