Discovering the Marvel of Believing – Embracing a Life of Faith

 Marvel of Believing audio video notes. And he marveled because of their unbelief. Jesus will marvel because of unbelief, but he will also marvel at belief. There is a marvel of believing. A Roman centurion came to Jesus for help. Jesus marveled at his belief and his servant was healed that very hour. There is a marvel bringing good things and a marvel of unbelief causing us to miss what God desires to do in our lives.

Discovering the Marvel of Believing: Embracing a Life of Faith

by Delbert Young







Discovering the Marvel of Believing: Embracing a Life of Faith

Scriptures: Mark 6:3-6, Matthew 8:10, Matthew 9:28-30, Isaiah 54:1-3, Mark 9:21-24, Luke 1:37-38

God wants to do some great things in our lives. He wants to heal our bodies. He wants to enrich our families, and he wants to increase our finances. Furthermore, he wants to save our loved ones. He wants to constantly raise us to new levels. God didn’t make any of us to be average. He doesn’t want any of his children barely making it through life. He doesn’t want us to always struggle and always overcome by problems. No. God wants us to live an abundant life. He has great things in store for every one of us.


We are to do our part. One day Jesus came to his own hometown. He began teaching in a synagogue. People were amazed by his teaching but missed what God really wanted to do there.

Discovering the Marvel of Believing: Embracing a Life of Faith

Mark 6:3-6

3 Is not this the carpenter, the son of Mary, the brother of James, and Joses, and of Juda, and Simon? and are not his sisters here with us? And they were offended at him.

4 But Jesus, said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house.

5 And he could there do no mighty work, save that he laid his hands upon a few sick folk, and healed them.

6 And he marveled because of their unbelief. And he went round about the villages, teaching.

People Jesus loved and was raised with missed out on some mighty things happening in their lives because of their unbelief. Unbelief caused them to miss out on God’s best. Jesus wanted to do some great things for them, but their unbelief stopped it from happening.

It wasn’t so much “sin” stopping the mighty work. It was unbelief. Many times people will say to me, “Delbert, if you see anything in my life causing me to go through this bad time, please tell me.” Often it is not because we are doing anything wrong on the outside. Sometimes it is because we need to expand our belief on the inside.

Discovering the Marvel of Believing: Embracing a Life of Faith

I want to stir your faith today. I want to challenge you to expand your belief. Believe him to turn around every negative thing in your life. Expand your belief to save your wayward child. Expand your belief to increase financially. Furthermore, expand your belief for more of God’s favor. Expand your belief for your healing.

Don’t get stuck in a rut. Don’t just learn to live with things less than God’s best. Be a believer. THERE IS POWER IN BELIEVING.


There is a marvel to believing. Jesus marveled because of the unbelief, but he will also marveled at belief. A Roman centurion came to Jesus for help. He had a servant who was suffering. Jesus said he would go and help. The centurion said this wasn’t necessary. He said he understood authority and if Jesus would just make the command, his servant would be healed.

Matthew 8:10 When Jesus heard it, he marveled, and said to them that followed, Verily I say unto you, I have not found so great faith, no, not in Israel.

Discovering the Marvel of Believing: Embracing a Life of Faith

Jesus marveled at his belief and faith. The Bible says the servant was healed that very hour. There is a marvel to belief. The marvel is the way we believe can stop something from happening God wants to happen as it did with those in the hometown of Jesus. Or believing can cause something to happen nothing else can bring about. THERE IS POWER IN BELIEVING.


We focus on our impossibilities and how it’s NOT going to work out, and we end up living life in a negative frame of mind filled with doubt and unbelief. “Well, I just don’t see how I can go any further in my life.” “I don’t see how God could turn my marriage around.” “I don’t see how I could ever be happy. I’ve been through so much in life.” This kind of thinking will keep you right where you are. The reason is you are placing faith in believing it won’t happen instead of it will happen. We must leave a negative mentality.


One day two blind men began crying out to Jesus saying, “Son of David have mercy on us.” Jesus kept walking, but they would not stop pursuing him. They followed him indoors.

Discovering the Marvel of Believing: Embracing a Life of Faith

Matthew 9:28-30

28 When he had gone indoors, the blind men came to him, and he asked them, “Do you believe that I am able to do this?” “Yes, Lord,” they replied.

29 Then he touched their eyes and said, “According to your faith will it be done to you”;

30 and their sight was restored…

DO YOU BELIEVE Jesus is able to do what you need? Sometimes it is necessary to pursue what we want from the Lord. Pursuing what we want from God will take us to where our miracle is awaiting. The blind men followed Jesus and were led to their miracles. We expand our faith when we pursue what we want. There is unlimited power in believing. We need to stretch ourselves and believe. What is it you want to happen in your life? Let me encourage you to broaden your belief today.


You will never experience God’s abundant life unless you first make room for it in your own thinking. How do we expand our belief? DON’T HOLD BACK.

Discovering the Marvel of Believing: Embracing a Life of Faith

The children of Israel were in captivity. They were there for 70 years. They were depressed, unproductive, desolate, and barren. God told them how to correct their state of mind.

Isaiah 54:1 “Sing, O barren woman, you who never bore a child; burst into song, shout for joy, you who were never in labor; because more are the children of the desolate woman than of her who has a husband,” says the LORD.

Isaiah 54:2 “Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes.

They were to burst into song and shouts of joy. In other words, something needed to come from within – a song, a shout. They were not to be bashful or timid. Shout into the spirit dimension what you are believing from God.

They were to change their unbelief to belief. They were to enlarge their thinking. God is saying to get ready for more. Make room for more of my blessings, more of my favor, and more of my goodness. He is saying to begin expecting things to change. They would be blessed and mighty again.

Discovering the Marvel of Believing: Embracing a Life of Faith

Notice the words God used – enlarge, stretch, wide, lengthen, strengthen, do not hold back. Christians hold back. God said burst forth! God is saying we need to have a bigger vision, and God desires to change what is desolate and barren in your life. Some of you have been in bondage waiting for something a long time. Allow belief to burst forth from your spirit man. Begin to prepare for the expansion and then it will come. The next verse says,

(NLB) Isaiah 54:3 For you will soon be bursting at the seams! And your descendants will possess the cities left behind during the exile and rule the nations that took their lands.

Notice the sequence. If you begin expanding how you believe, you will soon be bursting at the seams! If we don’t stretch and enlarge, we will miss it. We make room for it first and then we break forth. We need to believe God can and will do it first and then things will change, and we need to learn to sing about it. Talk about it. In other words, believe for it. Stretch our minds. Strengthen our stakes.

Discovering the Marvel of Believing: Embracing a Life of Faith


I been this way for years.” No. Begin singing on the inside about how God will heal you. Let a song come out of your spirit. Say, “By his stripes I am healed.” There is power in believing. “I don’t see how I could ever be happily married. My marriage is just a mess.” No. You have to believe for it to be happy. Sing about the joy of the Lord being your strength. Don’t go around talking about how terrible your old mate is. Instead, sing about how good he or she is to you. Begin believing for things to be happy in your home.

“I’ll never get married. I haven’t had a date in 15 years.” No. Believe God for the right mate. Believe he will bring you the perfect person. You have to believe. Don’t make Jesus marvel at your unbelief. Cause him to marvel at your belief. All things are possible if you believe.

One day a man came to Jesus for help. His son was possessed by a demon. The demon would cause the boy to go into convulsions.

Discovering the Marvel of Believing: Embracing a Life of Faith

Mark 9:21-24

21 Jesus asked the boy’s father, “How long has he been like this?” “From childhood,” he answered.

22 “It has often thrown him into fire or water to kill him. But if you can do anything, take pity on us and help us.”

23 “‘If you can’?” said Jesus. “Everything is possible for him who believes.”

24 Immediately the boy’s father exclaimed, “I do believe; help me overcome my unbelief!”

I love verse 23 in the New Living Translation.

Mark9:23 “What do you mean, ‘If I can’?” Jesus asked. “Anything is possible if a person believes.”

So many people are like this man. They have put up with junk from the enemy for years. Jesus asked him, “How long has he been like this?” Jesus wants us to know it doesn’t have to continue. Anything is possible if a person believes.

Discovering the Marvel of Believing: Embracing a Life of Faith


I detect a bit of rebuke. Of course, he could and he did. Jesus delivered the boy and he was perfectly normal. Jesus is saying to you and me today. What is it you need from the Lord? “What do you mean, ‘if he can’?” Of course he can and he will.


He wanted his belief expanded. His mind was trying to talk him out of his miracle. Our minds will talk us out of our miracles. The man was honest. We need to be honest. We need to say, “God, I don’t understand how you will do this, but I am going to choose to believe you will.” If you will, God will do the impossible in your life. He will do things for you going against the odds and against nature.

Discovering the Marvel of Believing: Embracing a Life of Faith


Remember Mary the mother of Jesus? She was just a teenager. God sent an angel to her and told her she had found favor with God. The angel said she would give birth to a son and he would be the Christ. Mary asked how could this happen. She had never been with a man. She was not yet married. The angel said the Holy Spirit would come upon her and cause her to conceive. Mary could have said this sounds far out to me. She could have said it’s impossible. It’s never happened before. This defies nature.

Mary didn’t do this. She didn’t allow her mind to talk her out of it. She chose to believe. So she enlarged her belief and made room for it in her thinking. Her attitude was if God said it would happen then it would happen. God, if you said I am highly favored then I am highly favored. If you said I will have a baby without being with a man then I will have a baby without being with a man. The angel said,

Luke 1:37 For with God nothing shall be impossible.

Luke 1:38 And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.

Discovering the Marvel of Believing: Embracing a Life of Faith

Mary said I will agree with God. I will believe what God has said. I don’t understand it, but be it unto me. God said it will happen and I choose to believe it.

You may be facing some things today looking impossible. It may have never happened before, but it’s not a problem for our God. If God has put it into your heart, then nothing shall be impossible. It may seem impossible for your marriage to work, but it’s not. There may be no cure for the disease you have, but it’s not a problem for God. God said you are more than a conqueror. God said you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Also, God said he would supply your need according to your riches in Christ Jesus. Say, “Be it unto me according to thy word.” Enlarge your belief and make room for it in your own thinking. Jesus said THERE IS A MARVEL TO BELIEVING.

I want to encourage you today to expand your BELIEVING. THERE IS POWER IN BELIEVING. Believe God wants to do something special in your life. Believe God wants to heal your body. Also, believe God wants to mend your marriage. Believe God wants to deliver your child. Don’t be like those who missed out on God doing something great in their lives because of unbelief. Enlarge your tent – your belief today. Sing and shout how God will bring about what you want. If you will, you will burst forth at the seams. Be like Mary and believe for the impossible because THERE IS A MARVEL OF BELIEVING. Amen?

Discovering the Marvel of Believing: Embracing a Life of Faith

How many are going to stretch your belief? THERE IS POWER IN BELIEVING. Give the Lord a shout and a handclap.

Marvel of Believing audio video notes

Marvel of Believing audio video notes

Marvel of Believing audio video notes

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