I’m Not Happy – How to Renew Your Mind

I’m Not Happy – How to Renew Your Mind sermon video audio notes. God didn’t create life to endure. God created life to enjoy and be happy. Yet, some people go through life complaining about something. They’re always unhappy. They are sour. It’s too hot or too cold. It’s always something. Someone’s always done them wrong. They are always sick. They have trained their minds to see the bad.

Happy I Am Not

By Pastor Delbert Young

I’m Not Happy – How to Renew Your Mind







I’m Not Happy – How to Renew Your Mind

Scriptures: Colossians 3:2, 1 Thessalonians 5:16, 1 Thessalonians 5:18, Psalms 42:10-11, Isaiah 61:3, Psalms 90:12

God didn’t create life to endure. God created life to enjoy. Yet, some people go through life complaining about something. They’re always unhappy, sour, it’s too hot or too cold, it’s always something, someone’s always done them wrong, and they are always sick. They have trained their minds to see the bad, focus on and talk about the negative, complain, and worry.

If we leave our minds in neutral and allow them to think anything they want, by default, they will go to the negative. Before you even get out of bed, your mind will remind you of a mistake you made yesterday or something someone said mean to you three years ago. We need to train our minds to see the good and think positively. We need to train our minds to stay happy. Doing this doesn’t happen automatically or easily. It requires discipline.

Colossians 3:2 SET YOUR MINDS ON THINGS ABOVE, not on earthly things.

Happy I Am Not

You must set your mind. We train our minds to think higher thoughts. In the same way, we’ve allowed and trained our minds to have negative mindsets, we train our minds to have a positive mindset.

I’m Not Happy – How to Renew Your Mind

I heard a story about an elderly gentleman in his nineties. His wife of seventy years had recently passed and gone to be with the Lord. He was legally blind and used a walker for safety, but other than this, he was in relatively good health. He was now moving into a nursing home. A young lady came to show him to his new room. On the way, she began describing it. She told him it had a window and nice view and where the couch, and chairs, bathroom, bed, and desk were. As she was describing it on the way, he said, “I love it! I love it! I love it!”

The lady, knowing he was legally blind, thought the elderly gentleman was thinking he was there and being nice. She said, “Sir, we’re not there yet. It’s just down the hall.” He said, “No. That doesn’t have anything to do with it. Happiness is something you decide ahead of time. My liking my room or not isn’t dependent on how the furniture is arranged. It depends on how my mind is arranged.”

We need to go ahead and arrange our minds to be happy and enjoy life, not endure life.

We all encounter setbacks, but we don’t need to change our minds. Our circumstances might change, but our minds don’t have to change. The economy might change, but our minds don’t have to change. An illness might change how we feel, but it doesn’t have to change our minds.

I’m Not Happy – How to Renew Your Mind

 (AMP) 1 Thessalonians 5:16 Be happy [in your faith] {and} rejoice {and} be GLAD-HEARTED CONTINUALLY (ALWAYS)

1 Thessalonians 5:16 Be joyful ALWAYS

How long are we to be joyful and happy? Is it as long as things go our way? Is it as long as people treat us right?

I got up the other morning. When I stay home, I get my coffee, sit in my recliner, and usually work on a sermon lesson. Outside a window next to my chair is a big dogwood tree. Birds were in it singing away. To my right is our dining room with two windows to the backyard. Behind the house are four dogwoods. Again, birds were all in the trees singing away. It nearly seemed they were having a singing contest. I wanted to say, “Birds! Don’t you know the stock market took a hit? Don’t you know the economy is bad? Haven’t you heard the news? Why are you singing?” What was it with those birds?

We’re to be happy always. There may be dark clouds today, but above the clouds, the sun is shining. The clouds are temporary. They may last a few days at most, but the sun is eternal. You may have dark clouds today, but the sun will shine in your life again.

I’m Not Happy – How to Renew Your Mind

The primary key to training our minds to stay happy is by staying thankful. We learn to focus on what is right rather than what is wrong. It’s impossible for negative seeds to take root in a thankful, glad heart. If you’re not happy today, you can come out of it. The next time you are tempted to become discouraged, the fastest way to get out of it is to stop focusing on what you don’t have and thank God for what you do. Find some reason to be thankful. It will lift you out of discouragement. The dark clouds will move off.

(AMP) 1 Thessalonians 5:18 THANK [GOD] IN EVERYTHING [no matter what the CIRCUMSTANCES may be, be thankful and GIVE THANKS], for this is the will of God for you [who are] in Christ Jesus

It doesn’t say give thanks “for” everything. It says, “Thank God in everything…” In every circumstance, we should find some reason to give thanks. We say it. We should say, “No matter what’s going wrong, no matter the circumstance, I’m going to find something positive to focus on.” When Judy was going through her bout with her kidneys a while back, she knew she was very sick, but she was thankful for her family and thankful for the prayers of people. Don’t focus on your sickness. You may say, “I’m struggling in my marriage, but thank you, Lord, for a good job.”

I’m Not Happy – How to Renew Your Mind

Don’t focus on the difficulty. It will only make you bitter. We all have difficult situations, but in those difficult situations, we must discipline ourselves to remain focused on something positive, not the negative. Be thankful.

Being thankful can turn a relationship around and save a marriage. Amazing things happen when we stop focusing on someone’s faults and instead see the good. Instead of becoming angry, we become appreciative. Expressing thankfulness to your employer can save your job during a layoff or even help you get a promotion. Being thankful is a key to a happy life.

We need to begin our day as positive as possible.

We need to put our “self” into positive gear, and we can’t allow our minds to remain in neutral. When we wake, and our minds taunt us, “It’s going to be a bad day.” We tend to accept and agree with it. “Yes, it’s going to be a bad day.” Our mind taunts us, saying, “You’ll never get well. You have so many physical problems.” We agree, “I’ll probably never get well.”

No. Instead of letting your “self” talk to you, you need to talk to your “self.” Instead of agreeing with the negative, say, “No, it’s going to be a wonderful day. I’m going to get to do something good for someone, and God will bless me. I can’t wait to see what God’s going to do today.”

I’m Not Happy – How to Renew Your Mind

Say, “No. I will get well.” When Judy was having a tough time with health issues, her mind taunted her, telling her, “You’re not going to get better. You are too sick.” Paula would text Judy every day and have Judy say, “I’m getting better every day in every way.” Judy talked to her “self.”

Psalms 42:10-11 My bones suffer mortal agony as MY FOES TAUNT ME, saying to me all day long, “Where is your God?” WHY ARE YOU DOWNCAST, O MY SOUL? WHY SO DISTURBED WITHIN ME? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God.

When David’s foes or his health taunted him and he got down, David would talk to himself: “Why are you letting these things get you down? Get your focus back on God. God is on the throne. Put your hope in God!” God and God alone determine my destiny—not my foes, not my problems, not my illness.

There is so much doom and gloom today. The news is all bad. Even God’s so discouraged he’s going to come any minute and blow the whole thing up. No!

I’m Not Happy – How to Renew Your Mind

Isaiah 61:3 To appoint unto them that mourn in Zion, to give unto them beauty for ashes, the OIL OF JOY for mourning, THE GARMENT OF PRAISE FOR THE SPIRIT OF HEAVINESS; that they might be called trees of righteousness, the planting of the LORD,THAT HE MIGHT BE GLORIFIED.

We don’t bring God any glory when we are negative and filled with doom and gloom. God’s not going to blow up the planet. Instead, we need to see the beauty in life, change our perfume and cologne, and change our clothes from rags and sad to joy and gladness. We need to arrange our minds. Take off the garment of heaviness and put on the garment of praise. You cannot stay downcast and have a spirit of heaviness when you praise God.

Begin to praise and thank God for what he’s done in your past. Thank and praise God for the health you do have. Thank God for another day, and thank and praise God for another night. We can thank and praise God for being kind and merciful to you. Praise and thank God for what he’s going to do in your future. It’s impossible for negative seeds to take root in a thankful heart. You will feel faith raising you up. Your heaviness will lift. Your soul will SMILE AND BE POSITIVE WHEN YOU’RE NOT HAPPY. Thank God for your future days.

Psalms 90:12 TEACH US TO NUMBER OUR DAYS ARIGHT, that we may gain a heart of wisdom.

I’m Not Happy – How to Renew Your Mind

We need to say, “God help me have the wisdom to see the importance of every single day. Give me the wisdom to realize every day is a gift from you. Every day, help me to be kind to the people you’ve placed in my life. Help me focus on the good. Help me not take life for granted. I don’t want to wait until Valentine’s Day to express my love, or Thanksgiving Day to give thanks, or Christmas to give gifts. Teach me there is no such thing as an ordinary day. Every day is special. Lord, teach us to number our days aright.”

Every day can be invested or wasted, used or abused. What are you doing with your days? Today is irreplaceable. We can’t get it back. Once this day is gone, it’s gone forever. We need to live like it’s our last. It could be. How will you choose to live it? Will you live happy and thankful or negative and discouraged? Focused on your problems? Focused on what you don’t have, and focused on who hurt you? No. Get away from this garbage and find something to praise and thank God for in your life.

If we can discipline our minds not to complain, be unhappy, or be sour, and not focus on what’s wrong and every ache and pain but shift gears to the positive, our lives will immediately improve. You will experience a new level of God’s favor.

I’m Not Happy – How to Renew Your Mind

We need to arrange our minds. Happiness is not dependent upon how furniture is arranged; it is dependent upon how our minds are arranged.

We need to thank God in everything, not for everything -in every circumstance, difficulty, trouble, etc.

Thankfulness can turn nearly any situation around. A primary key to living a happy life is thankfulness.

Talk to your “self.” Don’t allow your “self” to taunt you.

Change how you see life. See the beauty, not the ashes. Change the smell—the perfume and cologne. Change your clothes. Take off the heaviness and put on praise.

When we have the wisdom to number our days aright, we cannot be negative. We invest, cherish, and see every day as irreplaceable. We live it focusing on its happiness, and we enjoy life in a new dimension, bringing glory to God and his favor and blessing.

Happy I’m Not sermon video audio notes

not happy

Happy I’m Not sermon video audio notes

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Happy I Am Not