Smile Staying Positive Even When… Series

Smile Staying Positive Even When… Series addresses the challenge of maintaining a positive attitude in the face of life’s difficulties. This series explores various scenarios that can negatively impact our outlook, such as having difficult parents, struggling with self-negativity, enduring dark times, dealing with gossip and slander, feeling pushed around, facing enemies, experiencing unhappiness, and battling low self-worth. Through biblical teachings and practical advice, the series aims to equip listeners with tools to overcome these obstacles, emphasizing the importance of perspective, faith, and personal growth. It encourages viewers to find strength and positivity even in challenging circumstances, ultimately leading to a more fulfilling and joyful life.

Smile Staying Positive Even When…

Smile Staying Positive

Smile Staying Positive Even When… series audio video notes

You Had A Bad Mother – How to Overcome Maternal Wounds – sermon video audio notes

Life gets off to a negative beginning when you have a bad mother. How can we be positive and have a good life when we have a bad mother? Surely, if anything can cause a person to live a negative life, it is having a bad mother. We all know people who had bad mothers. When we investigate, we most frequently see they struggle in areas of their life directly associated with having a bad mother. It’s in the Smile Staying Positive Even When… Series.

Negative About Yourself – How to Overcome Self-Criticism – sermon video audio notes

Negative About Yourself? The opinion you have of yourself is the most valuable and important opinion you have about anyone. How you feel about others begins with how you feel about yourself. If, on the inside, you feel yourself as inferior, not talented, small, of no value, etc., you will become exactly what you feel. We constantly convey what is happening on the inside outwardly.

Dark Times – How to Overcome Discouragement – sermon video audio notes

We all go through dark times in life. Why is that? When understood, dark times are a blessing, not bad. Our good times are actually a result of our dark times. Dark times germinate our seed dreams, seed goals, seed talents, seed objectives, and seed potential. It’s in the Smile Staying Positive Even When… Series.

Smile Staying Positive Even When…

Gossip Slander Come – How to Shine Brighter Than Lies – sermon video audio notes

Gossips, slanderers, and talebearers are negative, unblessed people. God turns his back on them. Noah had a drinking problem. The only reason we know about it is because of gossip, spreading rumors, innuendos, talebearing, and slander.

Pushed Around – How to Stand Firm in Adversity – sermon video audio notes

It’s difficult to stay positive when you feel you’re being pushed around and bullied. We don’t understand why things happen. Situations push us around and bully us, taking us out of our comfort zones – work, family, a boss, a bill collector, etc. Who is pushing you? It’s in the Smile Staying Positive Even When… Series.

I Had a Bad Dad – How to Break Cycles of Dysfunction – sermon video audio notes

There are 5 great characters bad dads do not have, but great fathers do. This is true even if you are a man after God’s own heart – like King David, who was a bad dad.

I Have Enemies – How to Overcome Evil with Good – sermon video audio notes

God uses our enemies to bless us. What may seem a disappointment, such as when someone actually attempted to destroy you, was intended by God to push you up to your next level if you stay positive. No one enjoys these times, but the truth is you can’t reach your full destiny without them. It’s all a part of God’s plan to get you where you need to be. It’s in the Smile Staying Positive Even When… Series.

Smile Staying Positive Even When…

I’m Not Happy – How to Renew Your Mind – sermon video audio notes

God didn’t create life to endure. God created life to enjoy and be happy. Yet, some people go through life complaining about something. They’re always unhappy. They are sour. It’s too hot or too cold. It’s always something. Someone’s always done them wrong. They are always sick. They have trained their minds to see the bad.

Low Self-Worth – How to Overcome Insecurity – sermon video audio notes

How can you smile and stay positive when you have little or no self-worth? Many people live life intimidated. They are insecure. They feel everyone is brighter, more attractive, talented, and smarter than they.

My Self-Worth Low 2 – How to Overcome Insecurity – sermon video audio notes

Self-Worth Low 2 – People go through life feeling disqualified. They had a bad family life, were abused, treated badly, made mistakes, and maybe physical difficulty. These attack our self-worth and stop us from rising higher and living the life God has for us. It’s in the Smile Staying Positive Even When… Series.

Smile Staying Positive Even When…

Smile Staying Positive When...

Smile Staying Positive Even When…

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