Cussing Attitude Silver Tongue or Toilet Tongue

Cussing Attitude Silver Tongue or Toilet Tongue video audio notes. Our mouths give us away. Looks are important in forming a favorable image and in today’s society looks can be manufactured using liposuction, beauty products, Wonder Bras, implants, and Photoshop. Yet, even if I am a Brad Pitt look-alike, but have a toilet mouth and a septic tank cussing attitude, no one will respect me, want to be around me, or want to hear what I’ve got to say.

By Pastor Delbert Young

Cussing Attitude Silver Tongue or Toilet Tongue video audio notes

Cussing Attitude Silver Tongue or Toilet Tongue video audio notes







Cussing Attitude Silver Tongue or Toilet Tongue video audio notes

Scriptures: Luke 6:45, Proverbs 2:12, Proverbs 17:28, 1 Corinthians 15:33, Proverbs 16:24, Proverbs 12:18, Proverbs 12:25

(Video clip – Planes, Trains and Automobiles 1987). Neal Page (Steve Martin) and Del Griffith (John Candy) are trying to get home for Thanksgiving but are caught in a blizzard. Neal Page developed a very sour cussing attitude and from his cussing attitude came a volcano of profanity. Though many Christians may be somewhat indifferent to cussing, all Christians should agree the use of profanity is a very unattractive trait. It’s a horrible witness for Jesus and a tool used to hurt people. If a person’s environment is filled with cursing and profanity there is a lot of hurting, little respect and edification, likely a lot of arguing, and even violence as a cussing attitude becomes septic.

Last time we talked about Your Personal Character (PC) likening cussing to a malware virus in your PC – Your Personal Computer. As the virus attacks Your Personal Computer and defiles it, cussing attacks Your PC – Personal Character – defiling it. I want to begin today with the scripture we ended with last time.

Luke 6:45 The good man out of the GOOD TREASURE OF HIS HEART brings forth what is good; and the evil man out of the EVIL TREASURE brings forth what is evil; for HIS MOUTH SPEAKS from that which FILLS HIS HEART.

Concerning cussing, is your heart a treasure chest and your mouth and tongue gold and silver, or is your heart a septic tank and your mouth and tongue a toilet? You may say, “Delbert isn’t this a little strong?” No. The favorite cuss word for cursers is the “S” word. If people did it as much as they said it, the sanitation department couldn’t keep up. As we saw, cussing is deeper than the mind. Cussing, profanity, obscenity, swearing, blasphemy, etc. reveal the heart. This is why cussing is so difficult to stop as some of you are learning. Cussing is a heart issue.

We evaluate people in many ways: by how they dress; what others say about them; body language; race; the automobile they drive; their mannerisms; marital status; profession; etc., but, can appearances be deceiving? So, when is it we get a reasonably accurate reading on someone and their character?

Proverbs 2:12, 10:32, 18:7

2:12 WISDOM will save you from the ways of wicked men, from men WHOSE WORDS ARE PERVERSE

10:32 The LIPS of the righteous know what is fitting, but the MOUTH of the wicked only what is PERVERSE.

18:7 A FOOL’S MOUTH is his UNDOING, and HIS LIPS are a snare to his soul.

We can’t obtain a reliable reading on a person’s character until after we hear what comes out of their mouth. Why is this? The reason is what they say reveals their heart. Is it septic or silver? The determining factor of a person’s character is what they say and how – the attitude they say it. So, what is the determining factor in a person’s evaluation of us? Though our society emphasizes looks over language, language will eventually win out. Mark Twain said, “It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.” Of course, Mark simply paraphrased the Bible.

Proverbs 17:28 Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue.

Cussing, profanities, obscenities, and swearing, are far more meaningful than saying vile words. Words only reveal our hearts as being silver or septic.

Our mouths give us away. Looks are important in forming a favorable image and in today’s society looks can be manufactured using liposuction, beauty products, Wonder Bras, implants, and Photoshop. Yet, even if I am a Brad Pitt look-alike, but have a toilet mouth and a septic tank cussing attitude, no one will respect me, want to be around me, or want to hear what I’ve got to say. (Some of you women and men disagree and this is why you’ve had such great success with relationships and marriages. This is wisdom.)

Defenders of cussing, those who say there’s nothing wrong with profanity, obscenity, and swearing, argue only Christians and goody-goodies who say cussing is bad. They say nothing is wrong with cussing. Really? Is this true? No. An environment of cussing will corrupt your character.

1 Corinthians 15:33 Do not be misled: “BAD COMPANY CORRUPTS GOOD CHARACTER.”

If you get around cussing, profanity, obscenity, swearing, blasphemy, perversity, septic tank hearts, its corruption will get on and in you corrupting your life. It comes down to asking what kind of person I want to be. Do I want to be a person of integrity and have character or do I want to just be a “character” (Neal Page)? Anyone can have a septic tank cussing attitude with little or no effort. Simply get around septic tanks. Building integrity and a great character requires effort, and self-control, by maintaining a great attitude. I alone can build my attitude, integrity, and character, and all three are revealed to others and me by my words. My attitude and character come out of my mouth. Simply said, I know I’m a better person when I don’t cuss.

The real key to stop cussing is a change, or cleaning up, of the attitude. As we said last time, the best, fastest, and as far as I know, the only way to clean up cussing is to clean up the attitude. It’s the firewall protecting for your CPU (Central Processing Unit) – the heart. It will control what goes out and what comes in. It’s not so much working on changing our words as it is developing our attitude. We will do this when we realize a good attitude will protect our hearts.

Proverbs 16:24 Pleasant WORDS are a honeycomb, SWEET to the soul and healing to the bones.

We know honeycomb words are sweet to others, but they are good for the speaker. When I say sweet things to people they are healing to my bones and soul as well.

Proverbs 12:18 Reckless WORDS pierce like a sword, but the TONGUE of the wise brings healing.

Proverbs 12:25 An anxious heart weighs a man down, but a KIND WORD cheers him up.

When the attitude is sweet, sweet words come out of the mouth. Think about it. When you have a good strong attitude your words are good. If your attitude is sour your words are sour. The more septic your attitude becomes, the more septic your words become. If my attitude is filthy, my words are filthy and far more likely to be filled with cussing, obscenities, profanities, swearing, and blasphemy. If my attitude stinks anything will pull the cuss trigger.

We’ll stop here today. Next time I plan on talking about how we can clean up the attitude. Today the emphasis has been on how septic our attitudes can be and if we truly want to stop cussing, it begins with taking a good look at our attitudes. Your attitude determines what goes into and out of your heart. This affects your integrity and your character. So, back to our original question: is your heart a treasure chest and your mouth and tongue silver, or is your heart a septic tank and your mouth and tongue a toilet? Do you want to be a person of integrity and character, or just be a character? It will all be determined by your attitude.

Cussing Attitude Silver Tongue or Toilet Tongue video audio notes

Cussing Attitude Silver Tongue or Toilet Tongue video audio notes

Cussing Attitude Silver Tongue or Toilet Tongue video audio notes

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