Blessings Series Audio

Blessings Series Audio. This sequence of messages is concentrated on invoking the blessings of God upon our lives. God desires to bless us However, Blessings don’t just happen. His blessings are in response to how we respond to God. We take time and show how we should properly respond to God to invoke His blessings upon our lives.

Blessings Series Audio


Blessings Series Audio

Series Messages

Blessings Series Audio

1- Cycle Of Blessings

In redemption we are heirs of Christ and receive spiritual things. However, we also are receive the benefits of Abraham and are Abraham’s heirs. These are natural blessings of wealth.

2- One Thing You Lack 8-1-1

Did you know there are three different types of tithes? One of those tithes is for you. God said so in Deuteronomy 14:26. Do I have a plan or a vision for the future?

3- Do I Have Wise Work Habits

The Lord God expects us to labor. Also, the Lord God expects us to labor wisely. When we won’t violence awaits.

4- Can You Change 

We will never work into our lives the ability to receive the blessings of God unless we develop the ability to change. The Lord wants us blessed, but this means we must change.

Blessings Series Audio

5- Can We Disassociate From Negative Spirits

There is a transference of spirits. When we place ourselves around wise people we become wise. When we position ourselves around foolish people we suffer harm. Never think you are too wise for this to happen to you.

6- What Is My Mouth Producing

A person’s lips manufacture fruit. If we guard our lips we will have a long life. If we don’t guard our lips we come to ruin. We invoke demons upon our lives when we open our mouths wide and spew out words.

7 – Series Recap and Do I Honor My Parents

Overview of the entire series. God desires to bless us, but first, we act and God responds. We need to take inventory in our lives of the areas not being blessed by God. There are two specific blessings and promises coming with honoring our parents – “that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on the earth.”

Blessings Series Audio

Blessings Series Audio

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