Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men: How to Minister Well

Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men – notes and audio. Church, at its best, must have a release of the gifts. We will never experience God’s presence or power until the gifts are discharged. In the Bible, the people knew their gifts. They each had a “gift mix.”

Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men: How to Minister Well

By Pastor Delbert Young

Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men



Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men: How to Minister Well


Do we need another teaching about gifts? My answer is no if the teaching is about how I should talk in tongues, move in prophecy, etc. We have enough information about that in books, tapes, and manuals. However, if the teaching will help me identify my special gifts, my answer would be yes. I could go for that type of teaching.

Church, at its best, must have a release of the gifts. We will never experience God’s presence or power until the gifts are discharged.

In the Bible, the people knew their gifts. They each had a “gift mix.” Paul knew that he was an apostle, a teacher, and a preacher of the Good News (1Ti 2:7; 2Ti 1:11). Paul had three gifts that he functioned in with great power. He had a gift mix. We know that Peter was an apostle. He also employed the gift of miracles (Act 3:6-10) and preaching (Act2:14-36; 10:34-47). Peter also functioned in the gift of the evangelist (Act 2:38-41). He had a gift mix.

Philip was a pastor (Act 6:1-6) and an evangelist (Act 21:8). Everyone knew that Philip’s daughters were prophetesses (Act 21:9). Stephen had the gift of a pastor (Act 6:1-5), miracles (Act 6:8), and preaching (Act 7:2-53). Timothy had the gifts of a pastor (1Th 1:2-3), an apostle (1Th 3:2), and an evangelist (2Ti 4:5). It is Biblical to identify our gifts.

Our study will identify not only our primary gift but also our gift mix. I could go for a teaching that would help me identify my gifts.

Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men


Do we need another teaching on gifts? If it were a teaching that helped me see that using my gifts would help gather lost souls, my answer would be yes. We need that teaching.

Gathering lost souls should be as natural as breathing. Jesus told those assembled at his ascension to do nothing, not even to try to witness about him, until they received the Holy Ghost (Act 1:4, 5). He told them to go back to Jerusalem and wait. Jesus said they could do anything once they had received the Holy Ghost. He said they would have a power to make them witnesses for him every place they went. This ability to witness was not something they would need to “work up.” The power they would receive would let them “be witnesses” (Act 1:8). It would just happen after they received the Holy Ghost.

A few days later, in downtown Jerusalem, a phenomenal thing happened. The believers were assembled in a house when suddenly, the place where they were sitting was filled with fiery tongues. That is a very strange phenomenon. A mental image is difficult to acquire. Tongues on fire were flying around the room. Then, the tongues divided and came upon each one of them. Everyone got an equal piece of fiery tongue.

What was that all about?

This is what happened. Every person received their very own expression of God. John’s piece of tongue was not Peter’s piece of tongue. Mary’s expression of God was not Andrew’s expression of God. One Holy Spirit entered that house but divided severally as he willed. (1Co 12:11).

From that moment on, they became powerful witnesses everywhere they went. They didn’t need to “work up” witnessing or teach seminars on witnessing. Overnight, the church changed. It was not because the followers were smarter or had nicer facilities. The church changed overnight because people received their gifts and went out to use them.

Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men

They went into the streets of downtown Jerusalem with their individual expression of God, i.e., a piece of tongue. It was the day of Pentecost, and Jerusalem was filled with Jews from every nation (Act 2:5). Many spoke different languages. As the Holy Ghost-gifted believers went out, they began talking to people from every nation in their own language. They began ministering with their gifts. Peter ministered to the Jews and those from Judaea (Act 2:14). Others ministered to those from other nations. The crowd was so served through the gifts that three thousand souls were baptized and came from the darkness of hell into the kingdom of God that very day (Act 2:41).

Immediately, we see a truth. When our individual expression of God is released, there should follow an ingathering into the kingdom of God. From this point on in the New Testament, a gathering follows every time people receive the Spirit of God. As the gifts were released, the Lord added daily to the church (Act 2:47). The people were daily in the temple and from house to house, releasing their gifts of hospitality, teaching, mercy, love, exhortation, giving, tongues, interpretation, miracles, faith, healing, word of wisdom, word of knowledge, discernment of spirits, and on and on.

The church grew to five thousand souls (Act 4:4).

In Acts chapter six, seven people are selected to attend to the widows. Of these, Stephen moved in his gift of miracles (Act 6:8), and there was a gathering. Philip went to Samaria and released his gift of evangelism, and there was a gathering. Peter and John went to Samaria and released their apostolic gift, and there was a gathering. The people expressed God every place they went through their individual expression of God. We read about this in Antioch, Corinth, Ephesus, Colosse, Philippi, Galatia, and even Rome. There was always a gathering of souls everywhere the gifts were released.

Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men

It is the same today. Our churches can change overnight if we identify our piece of tongue (expression of God) and release our gifts. If done correctly, a gathering should always follow. Witnessing for Jesus and gathering souls should be as natural as breathing. It is simply doing what God already wires us to do. We simply “be” witnesses.

So, if the teaching on gifts helped me gather lost souls, then my answer to “Do we need another teaching on the gifts?” would be yes. We need that teaching about gifts.

I developed this teaching in 2000 and taught it that year to the church I have the privilege of leading. That was one of the best years of our church’s life. We grew twenty to thirty percent. I don’t remember anyone leaving. Today, we have a volunteer base like we have never experienced before. People are giving their gifts, and we are experiencing a gathering.


Do we need another teaching on the Gifts? If we saw that the gifts were for ministering to people, then that type of teaching would be helpful.

Gifts are given in two dimensions. There are spiritual gifts (1Co 12:1, 8-10). There are grace gifts (Rom 12:6-8). Some spiritual gifts are tongues, interpretation, prophecy, word of wisdom, word of knowledge, discernment of spirits, faith, healing, and miracles. These are accessed from the spiritual, or we could say heavenly, dimension. Some grace gifts are serving, teaching, encouraging, giving, leadership, and mercy. These are accessed from grace, or we could say from the natural or earthly dimension.

Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men

Jesus ministered to people using both dimensions of the gifts. If a person needed healing, then the Lord ministered that spiritual gift. If the person required teaching, he ministered that grace gift. There were times when “spiritual gifts” would not get the job done. For example, when the woman was caught in the act of adultery, Jesus didn’t prophesy to her. He ministered the gift of mercy. There were times when grace gifts did not get the job done. For example, when the man brought his demon-possessed son for deliverance, Jesus didn’t give the man some money. He discerned the spirit and cast it out of the boy.

Which gifts are the best? Are the spiritual gifts more important than the grace gifts? Or, are the grace gifts more important than the spiritual gifts? Mainline denominations move primarily in the grace gifts. Pentecostal and charismatic churches move mainly in the spiritual gifts. Which should we move in? The answer is obviously that we need to move in both. We need to move in the gift needed at that moment to minister to the person needing ministry.

I want to add a note to this thought.

Jesus gave the keys to the kingdom of heaven to the church that he builds (Mat 16:18-19). These keys operate in the heavenly (spiritual) dimension, and they operate in the earthly (natural) dimension. Gifts are a tremendous key to the kingdom of heaven. There will be situations when hell will attempt to stop a church with a spiritual attack. To unlock that gate, we need a spiritual key.

Perhaps a key leader is ill and needs the gift of healing. The leader doesn’t need teaching. There are other times when hell will attempt to stop a church with an earthly (natural) attack. We need a natural key to open that gate. Perhaps the finances have dried up. We don’t need a prophecy. We need the gift of giving.

Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men

At times, the gifts of the spirit will work together with the grace gifts. The year was 1996. I was having the worst year of my ministry. I had done some dumb things. As a result, I was humiliated and embarrassed beyond belief. I was depressed and, like Elijah in his cave, was ready to give up. People left the church. We were running out of money. It seemed the gates of hell would finally prevail. It was a bleak time. We were close to the time when we would be unable to make our building payment and forced to shut down the ministry.

My wife received a word of knowledge from the Lord. She said the Lord told her if we made a board and divided the board into squares, allowing the people to pledge money for each square that, the building would be paid off. At that time, we owed a lot of money for our building. We did the board. The gift of giving was accessed. Miraculously, in twenty minutes, we had enough money to pay the building off, pave our parking lot, and put new carpet in our sanctuary.

Using the key and accessing the spiritual and grace gifts turned the worst year of my ministry into one of the best. The gates of hell did not prevail.

Do we need another teaching on the Gifts? If we saw that the gifts were for ministering to people and defeating the gates of hell, then that type of teaching would be helpful.


Do we need another teaching on the Gifts? The gifts were identified in the believers. The gifts will help gather lost souls. Gifts will minister to people. The gifts help defeat the gates of hell. We are also commissioned to express our gifts.

Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men

In Acts chapter one, Jesus commissioned those to be witnesses for him after they received their expression. In Matthew chapter twenty-eight, the Lord said,

Matthew 28:18-20 And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen.

We call this the “Great Commission.” Believers are commissioned to “Go.” The Lord said because he now had power in the spiritual dimension and the earthly dimension, we are to “Go” with our gifts. Through those gifts, we will touch every nation (Strong’s #1484 ethnos – ethnic). We will touch every ethnic group. We will gather them into the kingdom. Also, we will teach them. We will love them. If we do this, then he will always be with us. He won’t only show up from time to time on Sunday. He won’t give us a visitation. It will be a habitation. He will be with us always if we “Go” and “Be” witnesses for him.

The church, at its best, did just that.

Often, we see where individuals are commissioned to go and release their gifts. Seven people were commissioned by the laying on of hands in Acts chapter six to minister in their gifts. In Acts chapter thirteen, we see where Paul and Barnabas were chosen by the Holy Spirit and commissioned with the laying on of hands to “Go” and “Be” witnesses with their gifts. Paul commissioned Timothy to do the work of the evangelist by the laying on of his hands and the hands of the presbytery.

In every case where there was commissioning with the laying on of hands, the people commissioned released their gifts and continued to grow in the kingdom of God. No one would argue that the eleven apostles grew and went and accomplished great things for the kingdom. Of those seven attendants commissioned in Acts six, we know that Stephen grew and did great wonders and miracles (Act 6:8). Philip grew and went to Samaria preaching the kingdom of God, working miracles, and becoming our prototype evangelist. Paul and Barnabas grew becoming apostles and missionaries. It is beyond measure what Paul did for the whole world by releasing his gifts.

Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men

Once our gifts are identified, we need hands laid upon us and commissioned to “Go” and “Be” witnesses. Something special happens when we are commissioned to release our gifts.


Ephesians 4:7 – 8,  But unto every one of us is given grace according to the measure of the gift of Christ. Wherefore he saith, When he ascended up on high, he led captivity captive, and gave gifts unto men.

Ephesians 4:11 And he gave some, apostles; and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some, pastors, and teachers;


Verse eight of Ephesians chapter four says, And he gave some, apostles; and some prophets, and some evangelists, and some, pastors, and teachers. At the ascension, the Lord gave these gifts. These are the gifts that the Lord gave. Yet there are some twenty to thirty gifts listed in the New Testament. Following is a list:1







Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men











Suffering Healings

Prayer Language



Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men


Intercessory Prayer










The previous list referred to thirty-two gifts. Yet the Lord only gave five: the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher. Where did the other twenty-five gifts come from? As I pondered this, I saw that the other gifts spring from the five Jesus gave.

Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men

Paul lists spiritual gifts in the book of 1 Corinthians chapter 12. The list includes tongues, interpretation, prophecy, word of wisdom, word of knowledge, discernment of spirits, faith, healing, and miracles. Later, in 1 Corinthians chapter fourteen, Paul said things like he would rather everyone prophesied instead of speaking in tongues unless that person also gave the interpretation. Paul said the gift of prophecy was greater than the gift of tongues. He even said, Covet to prophesy.

If a person has ever seen prophetic ministry operate, they know all nine spiritual gifts can be in operation when the person with the prophetic gift operates. Not only is prophetic insight given, but tongues usually accompany it. Gifts of healing, words of wisdom and knowledge, discernment of spirits, and even miracles take place during the prophetic ministry. The point is that all nine of the spiritual gifts can be seen springing from the prophet’s ascension gift.

The gift of mercy is extensively ministered by the ascension gift of the pastor. Government or leadership gifts are released as the apostle establishes the foundation of a church. It’s not difficult to know where the teaching gift is rooted. The missionary gift would be rooted in the evangelist. The point is that Jesus gave the five gifts of apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher. From these five gifts, we can easily see all the other gifts spring forth.

Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men

Grow Up

Ephesians 4:12-16 For the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ: Till we all come in the unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, unto a perfect man, unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ: That we henceforth be no more children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the sleight of men, and cunning craftiness, whereby they lie in wait to deceive;

But speaking the truth in love, may grow up into him in all things, which is the head, even Christ: From whom the whole body fitly joined together and compacted by that which every joint supplieth, according to the effectual working in the measure of every part, maketh increase of the body unto the edifying of itself in love.

Why did the Lord give those gifts, and why did he give them to you and me? We are told why the gifts are given. The preceding passage says things like, For the perfecting of the saints, the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ, That we henceforth be no more children, and that we may grow up into him in all things. These gifts are given so that we all can grow.

Growing in the natural is as simple as eating and breathing. If we are raised in a home where the meals are well-balanced, we will grow physically. That is normal. If a child were to stop growing at age two, that would be abnormal. The parents would make every effort to discover why the child was not growing. Money would be spent. Specialists would be contacted. Tests would be run. We expect children to grow.

It should be the same in the spiritual.

Growth should be normal and automatic. The abnormal would be the person who did not grow rather than the person who does grow. Today, we have an issue when someone grows in their gifts and calling. That should be normal. We should address the issue of the person who does not grow. We need specialists. Also, we need to run some tests to find out why people do not grow. Could it be that the apostle, prophet, evangelist, pastor, and teacher are not functioning?

Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men

No matter who you are, you have the gifts and abilities necessary for the church to become what the church is intended to become. Without your gift, the church will never be all it should be.

Growth or Stagnation or Transplanting

I remember years ago when my wife and I built our first house. I wanted to landscape our yard and plant some nice shrubbery, but I didn’t know anything about shrubbery. We went to the local greenhouse nursery and purchased some Azaleas and Boxwoods.

I dug deep and wide holes and added the vermiculite and fertilizer to the soil. I removed the plants from their constraining containers and placed them into their nice new homes, covering the roots with perfect soil. Then I placed mulch around them and watered them regularly, expecting them to prosper and be in good health. A year later, they were the same size as when I planted them and did not look healthy. They were alive but not growing and prospering.

I was sure something was wrong with the plants.

I contacted the nursery where we had purchased the plants and explained what was happening. They asked me which side of the house I had planted them on. When I explained, I was told that was the problem. They were not getting sufficient sun in the location I had placed them. The plants would never grow and prosper in that position. The problem was not the plants. The problem was the location. I had placed them in an area where they could not grow. I was told that for them to grow, they must be transplanted.

This principle is a problem in local churches today. I served as “pastor” in the church, attempting to serve the Lord and be a good pastor. The Lord sent people. I placed them in good soil by giving them good sermons and fellowship. I fertilized them with good teachings, and I made sure they were washed and watered regularly through baptism and communion. Of course, I prayed for them and prayed with them and did all I knew to do.

Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men

However, many did not grow or prosper. I blamed the people. Certainly, there was something wrong with them. I called upon the Lord and told him something was wrong with them. The Lord asked, “Where have you planted the plants?” The problem was not the plants. The problem was that I had not planted them where they could grow and prosper.

Another truth is that we find people transplanting to different churches. Often, many go through the transplanting process frequently. Usually, they do not know precisely why they keep transplanting. They say it is the pastor or the music, or they don’t feel loved. The reason may be because they have not been placed in the proper location. Our job is to place the plants in the best location. If we don’t, they will either dwarf in growth or transplant themselves. They will blossom, grow, and become productive in the proper location.

Our Study

Our study is about just that. We want to identify where we should be planted in the Lord’s house. If we understand our gifts, we will better understand our purpose in the kingdom. How horrible it is for people to go through life, never knowing their gift and purpose!


First, we want to provide an evaluation that will help determine our gifts. We will remove as much guesswork as possible concerning which gifts we have been given so everyone will have confidence in their gifts. We can determine where each person should be planted in the house. This will help us become rooted where we can be productive and happy.

Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men


Next, we want to teach on the gifts that the Lord gave. We will learn exactly what the gift is Biblically. This will fertilize and water us and give us the nutrition to grow and prosper. It should help us blossom and become productive. To some, this will only confirm what you already know. However, you will have a new confidence. To others, it will be a welcomed revelation. You will finally know what you are to do in the kingdom.

We will also see that we all have strong primary and secondary gifts, and we are not limited to one gift.


We need to team up with those gifted with the same gifts. We want to draw from each other. Creating teams is like placing plants of the same kind together to pollinate one another. We want to team apostles with apostles, and we want to team prophets with prophets. We want evangelists working with evangelists, pastors working with pastors, and teachers with teachers. Doing this will challenge, stir, and provoke us to better operate in our gifts.

An interesting passage of scripture can be found in 1 Samuel. Do you remember the story about King Saul when he showed up in the scriptures? Though a very tall and imposing man (1Sa 9:2), he was highly insecure (1Sa 10:22). Still, the Lord had gifts within Saul to bring forth. Samuel had anointed Saul to be king of the Lord’s people (1Sa 10:1). Then Samuel told Saul that he would come to a place where he would meet a company of prophets (1Sa 10:5). Samuel said at that place the Spirit of the LORD will come upon thee, and thou shalt prophesy with them, and shalt be turned into another man (1Sa 10:6).

Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men

Saul followed Samuel’s instructions, and just as Samuel had said, Saul met the company of prophets. The Bible says that as Saul went, God gave Saul another heart (1Sa 10:9). Isn’t that interesting? God moved upon Saul’s heart because Saul desired to meet with the company. When Saul placed himself in the company of prophets, the Spirit of God came upon him, and he prophesied among them (1Sa 10:10).

When we get into a group of gifted people, the Spirit of God will move upon us and cause us to be different. We become confident as we move into our ministry. Saul was stirred, perhaps we could say pollinated when he entered the company of people gifted in what Saul was gifted in. When we place ourselves among people gifted as we are, the sun is just right, and the water is just right. Our insecurities are moved away, and our hearts are changed.

I ask you to open your minds and hearts. Allow the Holy Spirit to speak and minister to you. If we will, you will not only learn about spiritual gifts and grace gifts, but you will also know your individual gift mix and function in it.

The Lord bless you.

Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men: How to Minister Well

Introduction to Gave Gifts

Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men: How to Minister Well

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1Charles V. Bryant, Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts, Upper Room Books, Nashville, 1997, page 176

Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men

Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men

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Introduction to Gave Gifts Unto Men