Closet Prayer notes

Closet Prayer notes. Jesus began His teaching about prayer by telling us “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray…” (KJV). Did He mean shut ourselves in a literal closet to pray. Of course not. We’ll take a look at other translations, do a Greek word …

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Prayer Issues Not Taught Series

Prayer Issues Not Taught Series notes. What about prayer can I possibly discuss with you or show you you’ve maybe not already discussed and received teaching? What could there possibly be concerning prayer you might not already know? Let’s list a few thoughts I have. These thoughts I seldom, if ever, hear or read about …

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False Prophets Because We Are Still Here

Prayer sermon video audio

False Prophets Because we are still here. As the end of 1999 came a new millennium closed in upon us. We began hearing the false prophets of doom declaring the end of the world was upon us. Was it?  Many people you know personally were predicting the end of the world and bad times upon …

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Revelation Chapter 1 verse 19

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 1 verse 19 tells us all something interesting. Most people have been told and think the Revelation of Jesus Christ was written for a day in the future, i.e. the rapture, the great tribulation, and the coming of Jesus Christ. This verse shows us most of the Book of Revelation has already taken …

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Weapons of Our Warfare – How to Utterly Destroy Strongholds

Weapons of Our Warfare series

Weapons of Our Warfare series sermon notes. The apostle Paul instructs us that there is a war. Not only is there a war, but we are participants in it. This war is of maximum proportions. Also, it is far advanced from any of the thousands of wars that have ever taken place. Furthermore, this war …

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Prophecy Weapon – How to Write Out Your Vision for Success

Weapons of Our Warfare series

Prophecy Weapon – How to Write Out Your Vision for Success notes. If the enemy can remove the prophet and prophecy from the church, the weapon of warfare needed to prosper and move forward will be removed from the people (2Co 10:3). WEAPONS OF OUR WARFARE Prophecy Weapon – How to Write Out Your Vision …

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Gift of Divers Tongues Weapon – How to Become Spiritually Powerful

Weapons of Our Warfare series

Gift of Divers Tongues Weapon – How to Become Spiritually Powerful notes. It is a little frustrating reading books by people or listening to people about the gift of divers tongues who have never spoken in tongues. Neither do they know what a gift of divers tongues (different tongues) is about. Rather than simply saying …

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Holy Ghost and Scriptural Tongues – How Tongues are to Benefit

Weapons of Our Warfare series

Holy Ghost and Scriptural Tongues – How Tongues are to Benefit notes. Scriptural salvation was not complete in the apostle’s interpretation until there was a presence of the promise of the Holy Ghost from the Father. His presence was acknowledged by the person speaking in tongues. For this reason tongues were extremely desirable by the …

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