Power of A Moment – How to Make Moments Matter

Power of A Moment – How to Make Moments Matter series audio video notes. You determine your life by how you respond to a moment. The motivational speaker Anthony Robbins said, “It is in your moments of decision that your destiny is shaped.” Wayne Dyer, author of Incredible You! 10 Ways to Let Your Greatness Shine Through, said, “Miracles come in a moment. Be ready and willing.” In a moment, life can change.

Power of A Moment – How to Make Moments Matter

power of a moment

Power of A Moment – How to Make Moments Matter – sermon series videos, audio, notes

People Moment – How to Seize Life-Changing Instants – sermon video audio notes

You affect people in major ways. We have all had a people moment. Just as someone said or did something changing your life and direction, you do things, and you say things that change the lives of others. Jesus said you are light and salt. The Lord wants you to be aware of moments and their tremendous effects.

Place Moment – How to Know the Significance of a Location – sermon video audio notes

We must be at the right place to get the Commanded Blessings of God. Your life is a series of places! We say, ‘I remember when I was there.’ your life is a series of moments that happened at places!

Plan Moment – How to Know God’s Program – sermon video audio notes

First, make sure we see it is the Lord’s plan. We get to be in it. It is not that he blesses our plans. Next, please do not miss that God listens to us according to His Plans. We find God when we seek him according to his plan. People never understand why their prayers go unanswered. They do not understand why they do not prosper, have hope, or experience a great future. God loves everyone, but being in HIS PLAN is critical.

Power of A Moment – How to Make Moments Matter

Power of A Moment

Power of A Moment – How to Make Moments Matter

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