Book Of Numbers Audio Series

Book Of Numbers Audio Series. The book tells the story of people saved, delivered, who plundered their enemies, were vindicated by the Lord, and saved by God to do something special. Instead, they died in the wilderness. The book tell the story about the Lord waiting for a generation to die off so He could take the next generation into a wonderful life. What can we learn applicable for today from this book? We learn much! We learn about approaching the Lord, selection of leadership, battling in wilderness times, the horrors of murmuring and complaining, and on and on. The truths are endless.

Book Of Numbers Audio Series

The Book Of Numbers

Book Of Numbers 3:31 audio

Numbers 1:1 Tabernacle Approaching God (I was frustrated in this lesson. Other lessons are better.)

If I asked you to tell me what salvation is could you tell me? It’s not only going to heaven when we die. In typology, what is necessary for us to cross the Jordan River and cross into the Promised Land? We learn much from the Book of Numbers.

Book Of Numbers Introduction

This book tells the story of people saved, delivered, who plundered, who vindicated, and were saved by God to do something special. However, they died in the wilderness. The book ends up being a book about the Lord waiting for a generation to die off so He can take the next generation in.

Book Of Numbers Audio Series 

Chapter 1:1-4 Warriors Numbered

Warriors Numbered. We are all warriors in the kingdom. There is neither male nor female. The Lord is counting His warriors. This is about God waiting for a generation of people t die so He could take the next generation into the Land of Promise. When the church goes into the Promised Land it won’t be only Baptist, or Methodist, or Presbyterian, or non-denominational. It will be the whole nation of us.


The primary purpose of elders is to communicate to the people what the Lord is saying to their body. Elders seek the Lord until they find what the Lord is saying. Elders are ordained and commended to the Lord. They are an extension of the Lord. An elder isn’t an elder because they are given the title. They are an elder because that is what they are.

Elders Part 2

If an elder cannot minister and win their own family to the Lord how will he or she minister to and win other families to the Lord? An office of a leader in a church does not become the title when given the title. The person must already be the title before given the title. The office is confirmed not given. Accountability isn’t something a person does. Accountability is something a person is.

Book Of Numbers Audio Series 

Chapter 1

The Lord is concerned every group in a church receives ministry. This requires a diversity of leadership. The Lord tolerates nearly everything from His people, but it’s when we refuse to do what He’s brought us out of bondage to accomplish He leads us into the wilderness to perish. We have no idea nor seen an accurate picture of the massiveness of the camp in the wilderness. It would have been at least 10 miles of tents in each direction. God supplied manna for this amount of people every day except the Sabbath day. Plus the rock that followed them would have been more like a waterfall. Point is whatever we need our God is well able to provide.

Chapter 2:1-9

The Lord was very specific how He arranged His people. The Lord has us camped in churches where He wants us. Each tribe had a specific view of the Tabernacle. There was a massive amount of people likely in a ten mile radius circling the tabernacle. The original plan was around a two year journey, however it took around forty years. It should take a believer around two years to develop and get into their promised land of abundance, but how long does it take most believers? The saddest thing is many never get in. They die children of God, but never enter their Promised Land.

Numbers Chapter 3:1-4

Have you ever thought about there are no generations/lineage of Moses? As we study it appears there were problems between Moses and his first wife. So much so Moses not only remarried, but he married a woman of a different race and skin color. The point is Moses’ first wife, Zipporah, was not a covenant person and she took Moses’ and her sons out of the lineage and heritage of God.

Chapter 3:6-15

Why did the Lord select the Levites to serve Him when He could have selected any tribe? It was because of a special blessing given them by the Lord. The Levites carried the tabernacle, i.e. the presence of God and camped close to God. The Lord wants us to camp close to Him and carry His presence no matter where we go.

Chapter 3:23-26

There are times a body of Christ needs to move. What does a move of God toward the Promised Land require? One thing required is people willing to carry the wonders of the Lord. Spiritual things are veiled and some wonders we can’t see at all. To see them and experience them, we must enter new dimensions.

Chapters 3:30-31 4:11-12

The lampstand was beautiful. It was made of gold and very intricately made. Oil fueled the seven flames fed by wicks. The lampstand speaks of the preciousness of the church, the Word, and the anointing. The altar of incense speaks of the inescapable prayers of the saints ascending before God.

Book Of Numbers 3:31

We have been reconciled to God. We have now been given a ministry of reconciliation. This means we are to help people discover the reason the Lord called them into the kingdom. To do this we’ve each been given e a charge, or something to do, to help people discover God’s will for their life.

Chapters 3:31, 36 4:13-14

The brazen altar is a type of the cross of Christ. The brazen altar is where animal sacrifices were offered. The cross was where Jesus was sacrificed. The brazen altar was made of brass. Brass speaks of judgment. Christ’s sacrifice judged our sin.

Chapters 3:33-4:49

Sometimes we feel like we’re being taken down and sometimes we feel like were being built back up. Both require being hammered, bumped, aligned, and leveled. This happens every time God moves in our lives. It’s a principle.

Chapter 4:7-8

Talks about transporting the shewbread table. These principles are eternal and should be in the heart of the believer where ever we go. It’s about communion with God and spending time with Him.

Chapter 5:1-2

Chapters 5 and 6 of the Book of Numbers are about remaining holy in the camp. Moses commanded the people the word of the Lord. Why are people today not blessed, unhappy, children in rebellion and not happy or blessed? Why can people never get a breakthrough or have their prayers answered? Answer: they don’t obey the commands of the Lord because they don’t fear Him (Book Of Numbers 5:1-2).

Numbers Chapter 5:2-31

How do things defile us? It’s not difficult. How do we take the test of adultery and make it applicable for today? So many people today have experienced, or will experience, the unfaithfulness of a spouse. We learn many spiritual truths from the test of adultery in the Scriptures.

Book Of Numbers Audio Series 

Chapter 6:1-21

Talking about the Nazarite Vow or separating unto the Lord is separating from personal life, public life, and from the dead – not literal corpses. No one knows our personal life but us. Our public life is what people see, however, and in this case, a person doing this vow their hair grows long. People may ask why is your hair so long. It’s an opportunity to explain and talk about the Lord. It shouldn’t take long to know if a person is separated unto God. His presence cost a lot. It doesn’t come cheap.

Chapter 6:19-24

Why does the Nazarite vow include shaving off the hair? We spend a lot of time and money on our hair. We feel if our hair looks nice then we look nice. Would you shave your head for the Lord? How much time and money do we spend preparing ourselves to come before the Lord?

Chapter 6:22-27

Is it required the Lord bless us? No. However, the Lord desires to bless us. We want the Lord’s countenance to shine on us. We need the Lord’s graciousness. Peace is central to the kingdom. The name we use is important. We don’t proclaim Jehovah. We proclaim the name of Jesus Christ.

Chapter 7:1

Chapter 7:1

In your life and in my life there are thousands of times when “it came to pass.” “It came to pass” are times God ordained and then ended with yet another it came to pass. How wonderful it would be if we had all, or at least some, of our “it came to pass” experiences recorded for our heritage.

Chapter 7:1-13

Leaders of a vision always financially give into the vision. Where the heart is there the treasure is, so giving by leaders must be from the heart. When God gives vision He also gives provision. This also includes provisions for the Levite, i.e. the ministry of the Lord.

Book of Numbers Chapter 7:1-89

A day comes when each of us will come into a large amount of money. We will wrestle with tithing and giving a large amount. We all do, but it will give the Lord tremendous joy. It show and proves where our heart is. One trait of a child of God is giving. God’s people are incredible givers.

Chapter 8:1-8

Priests minister at the altar of God. Number 8 gives an outline for ordaining leaders in a church. Why were all the priests taken from the Levites? Everyone is not cleansed to minister. To minister to people we cleanse our own selves.

Chapter 8:14-26

It’s not only truth that makes us free. It’s the truth we know that makes us free. Ministry is to know the truths of God, minister these truths to people according to God’s ways and stop the plagues in their lives.

Numbers Chapter 9:1-13

The Lord instructed Moses to keep the Passover. Jesus fulfilled/ended the Passover with the Table of the Lord. The 1st Century church received the Table of the Lord every time they came together. When was the last time we’ve had Holy Communion?

Chapter 9:15-23

What we see is the Glory Cloud of God speak of the presence of the Lord and His angels. The cloud will lead. We can get into it. Also, we want the cloud in us where the cloud can dwell.

Chapter 10:1-10

Trumpets were made of precious material. They were for assembling and for moving. Hearing the trumpets was the last instruction the people receive before moving. We see a total of five times trumpets were sounded.

Numbers Chapter 10:11

There are sixteen major principles the children of God learned at Sinai before they were able to move. “It came to pass” and it was time to move, but first they learned God speaks and God’s people are numbered. They learned leadership must be established. Certain people were designated servants. Everyone camped and had a special view of the Lord’s dwelling. People learned to follow an imperfect leader. Parents learned they must do their spiritual worship. The Lord does not suggest. He commands.

Chapter 10:11-28

After two years the children of Israel finally got to move. However, they only moved about three days and set up camp again. We learn the times of camping are fewer than the times of moving. There is an order to moving and a time for each camp to move. We might not be moving when the Baptist church moves, or when the Methodist church moves. We move when the Lord told us it’s our turn to move.

Chapters 10:30-11:6

If there is anything we can put our finger on that stopped the Children of God going into their Promised Land it’s murmuring and complaining. Moses couldn’t stop the murmuring and complaining. Elders couldn’t stop the complaining. God couldn’t do enough to stop the murmuring. The only solution was to let the people die in the wilderness.

Book of Numbers Chapter 11:17-35

The Lord will give us the things about which we murmur and complain. He’ll give it to us until it comes out our nostrils. It appears our murmuring and complaining got us what we wanted. The fact is what we thought we wanted was a plague we brought upon ourselves.

Book Of Numbers Audio Series 

Apostle Paul said in the New Testament the truths of Numbers are for our examples so we would not be destroyed by the destroyer. I took the first eleven chapters and made them applicable for life and church today. I have no idea why I didn’t finish the book. There are twenty-eight messages full of present truth.

1 Corinthians 10:1-10

1 Moreover, brethren, I would not that ye should be ignorant, how that all our fathers were under the cloud, and all passed through the sea;
2 And were all baptized unto Moses in the cloud and in the sea;
3 And did all eat the same spiritual meat;
4 And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ.
5 But with many of them God was not well pleased: for they were overthrown in the wilderness.

Book Of Numbers Audio Series 

6 Now these things were our examples, to the intent we should not lust after evil things, as they also lusted.
7 Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of them; as it is written, The people sat down to eat and drink, and rose up to play.
8 Neither let us commit fornication, as some of them committed, and fell in one day three and twenty thousand.
9 Neither let us tempt Christ, as some of them also tempted, and were destroyed of serpents.
10 Neither murmur ye, as some of them also murmured, and were destroyed of the destroyer.

Wicked Woman Delilah part 2 audio video notes

Book Of Numbers Audio Series

Book Of Numbers Audio Series

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Delbert Young Sermons YouTube