Build Stick and Straw Huts – How Tongues Build a Wonderful Life

Stick and Straw Huts

Build Stick and Straw Huts – How Tongues Build a Wonderful Life video audio notes. The apostles did their job. They laid the foundation for the holy city. Upon their foundation was to be built the city itself. Instead, followers would build stick and straw huts. Believers were not building the wonderful city. Instead, we …

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Come Holy Spirit but Why Tongues? video audio notes

Come Holy Spirit but Why Tongues video audio notes. Christians frequently forget the importance of the Holy Spirit. We know He’s here, but don’t know exactly why. In the Book of Acts (actually Acts of the Holy Spirit) when we find people receiving the Holy Spirit, interestingly, we find them speaking in tongues. In the …

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Defiled Or Not Be Defiled 2


Defiled or not be Defiled 2 video audio. That Is The Question. The power of life and death is in the tongue. Also, the tongue can set a life on fire from hell. Moreover, a person’s tongue will defile the person or make the person fit for God’s purposes. Defiled or not be Defiled 2 …

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Defiled or not be Defiled 1


Defiled or not be Defiled 1 sermon video audio. That Is The Question. It’s not what goes into, but what comes out a person that defiles the person. We decide what gets into us. What comes out is determined by what we allowed in. Let’s take a look. To be Defiled or not be Defiled, …

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Children Of This World Wiser Than We Sermon notes

Children Of This World Wiser Than We. The master told this guy he was really slick. The guy acted shrewdly with money! He was a brilliant crook. How can this be? Jesus answered The children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light. They shouldn’t be. We need to learn …

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Desire sermon series video audio notes


 Desire sermon series video audio notes. I want to show you the power of DESIRE. I want you to see how powerful it is in prayer and in life, and I want to stir up your DESIRE. Also, I want to cause you to condense down and know what it is you truly DESIRE. Desire …

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Demons and Darkness Series: How to Overcome Evil with Good

Demons and Darkness

Demons and Darkness Series: How to Overcome Evil with Good videos, audio, and notes. Confront the unseen realm in “Demons and Darkness.” This series equips believers to stand firm against demonic forces and walk in victory. Have you ever come face-to-face with a person who had a demon (or a demon who had a person)? …

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Deal Or No Deal Sermon Series

Deal Or No Deal

Deal Or No Deal Sermon Series audio video notes. Dealing with God. There are certain issues in the scriptures where the Lord sort of says, “I will make a deal with you. If you take my deal, here is what you get.” Then he gives us his deal and says, “…or, you can do it …

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Hearing The Word Of God: How To Understand Mysteries

Deal Or No Deal

Hearing The Word Of God: How To Understand Mysteries video audio notes. The Lord made a deal with us. By hearing the Word of God, we can know and understand the mysteries of the parables, meaning the mysteries of life. Others listen but never hear. Imagine being able to understand vital mysteries about life! DEAL …

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Salvation and Resurrection of the Dead

Deal Or No Deal

Salvation and Resurrection of the Dead sermon video audio notes. Jesus filtered graves down to two resurrections or the hour that is coming. The reason, the purpose for hearing, believing, and salvation is to be in the resurrection of life and avoid the resurrection of damnation. The resurrection is going to happen. We do not …

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