The Gospel of Luke Chapter 9

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 9 audio video notes. Eleven messages came from this chapter of Luke. The titles are: Drive Out Demons Cure Disease Preach the Kingdom, Who Is This, Five Loaves of Bread and Two Fish, Christ of God Two Questions, Kingdom of God Will Come When?, Transfiguration into Another World, Disciples Could …

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The Gospel of Luke Chapter 10

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 10 audio video notes. We ministered four messages from this chapter of Luke: Better For Sodom Than You, Do not Rejoice About Success, Joy Neighbor Good Samaritan, and Martha Only One Thing is Needed. I think all the messages are good but knowing Jesus told the people of his generation …

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Tribute to Service: Memorial 4th of July Veterans Day Sermons

Memorial 4th of July Veterans Day sermons

Memorial 4th of July Veterans Day Tribute sermons. Here is a compilation of various sermons to acknowledge, remember, and honor our veterans and special days of the year related to the United States. In light of this, they can be tweaked and used for any nation wanting to acknowledge, remember, and honor their service men …

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Explore Meaningful Mother’s Day Sermons Page Now

Rahab an Honored Mother Mothers Day

Mother’s Day Sermons Page audio video notes. Here are 13 Mother’s Day sermons taken from the scriptures. Mother’s Day is right up there next to Easter. There is no one like mother. Love your mom by being with her while you can. A day will come when you would give anything to be with Mom. …

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What Is The Kingdom Of God Like Luke 13:18-21

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

What Is The Kingdom Of God Like Luke 13:18-21 audio video notes (over 3,100 YouTube views) Jesus, now teaching, began by asking a question. So, if I asked you, “What is the kingdom of God like?” how would you reply? Would you think heaven? That’s what most Christians would say. Certainly, if you’re not a …

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Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery (Luke 16:18) video

Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery

 Marriage, Divorce, Remarriage, and Adultery (Luke 16:18) (around 6,000 views) Divorce is permitted by God but not for people to change and exchange spouses. Jesus said God permitted divorce because there’s something wrong with the hearts of people. Jesus said, Luke 16:18 Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery, and the …

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