The Gospel of Luke Chapter 9

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 9 audio video notes. Eleven messages came from this chapter of Luke. The titles are: Drive Out Demons Cure Disease Preach the Kingdom, Who Is This, Five Loaves of Bread and Two Fish, Christ of God Two Questions, Kingdom of God Will Come When?, Transfiguration into Another World, Disciples Could Not, Who Will Be The Greatest, Goal Resolutely Set Out for Jerusalem, Destroy Them, and I Will Follow You Jesus Oh Really. Again, I love teaching the kingdom of God. Hopefully, this will be insightful and enlightening for you.

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 9 video audio sermon notes

by Delbert Young


The Gospel of Luke Chapter 9 video audio sermon notes

Drive Out Demons Cure Disease Preach the Kingdom sermon video audio notes Luke 9:1-6

Drive Out Demons Cure Disease Luke 9:1-6 audio video notes. Disciples heard a hundred messages spoken to a hundred crowds. They’ve heard Jesus in a hundred debates with

Who Is This sermon video audio notes Luke 9:7-9

Herod asked speaking of Jesus, Who is this I hear such things about? What a pertinent and significant question! Question meaning, go on a quest to discover the answer. It’s a question every person should ask. It’s an old question, but new every day. Every day someone asks it. One day you asked it. I asked it. It’s the most important question you ever asked and the one question every person needs answered as quickly as possible.

Five Loaves of Bread and Two Fish sermon video audio notes Luke 9:10-17

This section is about ministering to people 24/7. It’s about finding a way to bless and minister to people even when we seem inadequate and what we believe God is asking us to do is impossible. I want to say, many of you are such blessings. You so unselfishly do the most amazing miraculous things. I’m so proud for you for calling me pastor, but in reality, some of you pastor me. I’ve said, ‘Send them home.’ You said, ‘You feed them.’ Then you showed me how to do a miracle. You miraculously fed me using five loaves of bread and two fish.

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 9 video audio sermon notes

Christ of God Two Questions sermon video audio notes Luke 9:18-25

While Jesus prayed with his disciples he asked two questions. Who do people say I am? Who do you say I am? Peter said, You are the Christ of God. Have you ever been praying and felt God asked you questions? I have. Actually, I think it’s every time I seriously pray in private. Why does Jesus ask us questions?

Kingdom of God Will Come When sermon video audio notes Luke 9:26-27

Jesus told his disciples, I tell you the truth, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see the kingdom of God. The kingdom will come when? Either there are two-thousand-year-old men walking around, or Jesus came again bringing the kingdom of God. Did some of those standing there that day live to see Jesus come again in his glory? Did we miss the second coming of Christ? What does this mean?

Transfiguration into Another World sermon video audio notes Luke 9:28-36

There is a transfiguration into another world for all of us. If you seriously pray with Jesus in a mountain-type experience, you will experience transfiguration. You may see things and hear things unspeakable. You may see Moses and Elijah. Also, you have an opportunity to glow as you wrap yourself around Jesus.

Disciples Could Not sermon video audio notes Luke 9:37-44

They failed to drive out a demon. They tried and tried. How many demons did Jesus give them power and authority to drive out? All demons, yet they failed. Have you ever failed as a disciple and follower of Jesus? I certainly have. When I fail ministering to others or fail personally, I’ve learned there’s a spirit involved I could not handle. It’s not that I didn’t try. How about you? Ever fail as a Christian?

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 9 video audio sermon notes

Who Will Be The Greatest sermon video audio notes Luke 9:43-51

They were not arguing about who was the greatest. They argued about which of them would be the greatest. Human nature is amazing. Jesus shared a major emotional moment of his impending betrayal leading to the horror ahead and the disciples take his statement as a cue to begin jockeying for personal position. I mean, if Jesus is about to be betrayed and handed over to men, there will be room at the top. Do disciples argue? Really? Do church people argue? Do you ever argue? God’s attempting to tell us something extremely important and we’re arguing!

Goal Resolutely Set Out for Jerusalem sermon video audio notes Luke 9:51

What you think about most of the time will emerge into your reality. Successful people think about where they want to go in life – their goal and goals. Jesus had goals. Jesus resolutely set out for Jerusalem to be received up. It was his ultimate goal. Jerusalem was going to happen. Unsuccessful, unhappy people think and talk about their complaints, worries, their problems, who’s to blame, etc. They actually talk about what they don’t want, so they continue getting exactly that.

Destroy Them sermon video audio notes Luke 9:51-56

Once I, a pastor, became so embittered I wanted a similar thing to take place on someone. I wanted God to destroy them, burn them up, gone, dust, evaporated, and no children. “God hit them in the jaw. Break their teeth out” (Psa 3:7) Break their arm (Psa 10:15). Make them vanish. Sweep them away (Psa 58).” I was biblical, but I knew better. The only person I destroyed and burned up with hate was me. I was feeding my hatred with scriptures. I thought I was the godly one, but I didn’t realize what spirit I was of.

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 9 video audio sermon notes

I Will Follow You Jesus Oh Really sermon video audio notes Luke 9:57-10:2

We say, Lord, I will follow you wherever you go. I will do anything you ask me to do. Oh Really? The Lord says. What we don’t realize when asked by the Lord to do something, or when making a promise to the Lord to do something, is the urgency. Someone, or many are about to be harvested. Someone, or many stand in the balance.

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 9 audio video notes

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 9 audio video notes

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 9 audio video notes

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