Sex in Marriage: How to Explore New Horizons

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

Sex in Marriage video audio notes – Learn how to overcome challenges and create a thriving sexual relationship. This sermon offers guidance and hope for couples. How to Explore New Horizons video audio notes. I want you to see today: (1) In the heart of man is a desire to cleave to his wife; (2) …

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Can You Do Anything With My Child – How to Train A Child

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

Can You Do Anything With My Child – How to Train A Child video audio notes. A child must see his or her parents dedicated to each other and dedicated to God. The strongest families in the kingdom of God are the families whose members are dedicated to one another. My family is dedicated to …

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Please Be Quiet – How to Cultivate a Gentle Spirit

Marriages Blessed Prayers Not Hindered audio

Please Be Quiet – How to Cultivate a Gentle Spirit: Explore the importance of a gentle spirit in maintaining a harmonious home in “Please Be Quiet – How to Cultivate a Gentle Spirit” sermon video audio notes. Before I get into the lesson, I need to ask the women a few questions. Have you ever …

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Be Rich Sermon Series: How to Find True Wealth

be rich

Be Rich Sermon Series: How to Find True Wealth video audio notes. We chase the proverbial carrot, attempting to have wealth, thinking wealth equals success. Is it? Let’s talk about how to BE RICH, not how to be wealthy. You are already wealthy, but you may not know it. Questions: Do you love money? Are …

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Baptized Into Christ: How to Embrace New Life

Baptized Into Christ

Baptized Into Christ: How to Embrace New Life sermon notes. The eunuch asked Philip what doth hinder me to be baptized. Philip didn’t say, “Well, you know you are a eunuch, and you can’t be baptized.” No. Philip said, If thou believest with all thine heart, thou mayest. It is not what you have done …

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Baptism – Remission of Sin: How to Be Cleansed

Baptism For Remission

Baptism – Remission of Sin: How to Be Cleansed sermon notes. What does that mean? Firstly, say a person took chemo. Afterward, the chemo worked. So, we say the cancer is in remission. Consequently, this means the cancer is losing its power. To rephrase it, the cancer is dying, and the person is becoming more …

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Baptism In Water – How to Understand Its Purpose Series

Expect To Change In Water Baptism audio

Baptism In Water – How to Understand Its Purpose Sermon Series. Sometimes it seems even Christians do not know the purpose of water baptism. This is a series to help us understand the purpose and the reason we are to be baptized in water Baptism In Water – How to Understand Its Purpose Series By …

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Carnal Mind: Are We Neutralized? How To Overcome Your Inner Enemy

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Carnal Mind: Are We Neutralized? How to Overcome Your Inner Enemy—audio video. Our wrong thinking counterbalances the extraordinary. Of course, the enemy of exceptional is ordinary. Certainly, this is an attempt by the enemy to neutralize. Furthermore, the enemy is the carnal mind. As a matter of fact, the carnal mind will neutralize us, making …

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Amazing Power of Love – How to Cultivate Unconditional Love

Amazing Power of Love

Amazing Power of Love—How to Cultivate Unconditional Love audio video notes. The point is that Abraham and Sarah gave the amazing power of love to the correct person, and the power of love eventually brought them both to find their dreams. Abraham and Sarah’s amazing love took them through the problems and glitches of marriage …

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Abundant Life Sermon Series: How to Live Victoriously

Our Thoughts

Abundant Life Sermon Series: How to Live Victoriously audio and notes. John 10:10 The thief comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have {and} enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows). Isn’t that great?! Life is supposed to be victorious and …

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