Eternal Judgment Part 2 Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Eternal Judgment Part 2 We may slide into “heaven” if we don’t understand some of the foundational teachings, but if we don’t understand this one and get it right, we could end up in hell and eternal judgment. How do we know the will of God for us? The will of God comes in two …

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Eternal Judgment Part 1 Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Eternal Judgment Part 1. Few Christians, sometimes even those called theologians, understand this subject though it is a foundational teaching of which we should all be familiar. The Scriptures give many admonishments and warnings to all even those who think they are in good standing with God. Jesus, warning about the necessity of doing the …

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The Unique Path of Motherhood: Unraveling the Making Of A Mother

Rahab an Honored Mother Mothers Day

Making Of A Mother Audio Sermon. Before she’s a mother she’s a woman. At the creation of humanity male and female were one being. This being was lonely because there was no compatible helper. The Lord separated a part from the being called Adam creating a different part called “woman” who first and primarily was …

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Biblical Evangelism Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Biblical Evangelism. Jesus said there was nothing wrong with the harvest. It was plentiful. The problem is the laborers. Don’t pray for people to come. Pray laborers will go. 1) Signs and wonders confirm God’s word, 2) Cities are affected by signs and wonders, 3) Most signs and wonders in the Scriptures were not done …

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Dealing With False Teachers Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Dealing With False Teachers. Dealing With False Teachers. In 1 Timothy Apostle Paul instructs on how a person “ought to conduct himself in the household of God.” He wrote about many problems a church has – strange doctrines, calling, prayer, women, leadership, apostasy, and groups in the church. (This is a very short teaching. (Something …

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Deacon Part 3 Audio Teaching

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Deacon Part 3. A church is to be a pillar of truth for its city. Without correct leadership this will not happen. A deacon is an attendant or a waiter. A deacon must be a proper example in the church. Deacon Part 3 Audio 1 Timothy 3:14-15 14 I am writing these things to you, …

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Slander And Backbiting Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Slander And Backbiting. We’ve all caught ourselves in a conversation unintentionally talking about a brother or sister in Christ. What do we do? We become convicted and know we did wrong. We take a look at this straight from the Scriptures. Slander And Backbiting Audio John 13:34-35 34 A new commandment I give unto you, …

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Christmas Communion of Love: A Christmas Celebration

Christmas Communion Audio

Christmas Communion of Love: A Christmas Celebration Audio. The coming of Jesus brought a simplicity in Christ (2Co 11:3) to the world. It’s not about the legalisms of religion and getting our lives acceptable before we come. We come simply as we are. The blood of Jesus will take care of the rest. We experience …

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What Doth Hinder Me To Be Baptized Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

What Doth Hinder Me To Be Baptized. It is important to be able to receive ministry from people who do not look like us or think like us. It’s sometimes difficult for white folk to receive ministry from black folk. However, we have been made one in Christ. God does love the Jew, but He …

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