Revelation Chapter 6

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 6 – Horse and Four Horsemen video audio notes. The opening of the seals released the beginning of sorrows. Jesus told his disciples wars, pestilence, earthquakes, devastations upon the earth, false prophets, apostasy, etc. (Mat 24:1-13) would all be deceiving signs (Mat 24:4). Jesus called these things ‘the beginning of sorrows.’ This is …

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Revelation Chapter 5

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 5 – Lamb Slain, Right Hand, Seven Seals audio video notes. Anyone who has ever read the book of Revelation knows that all hell (literally) is about to be released on somebody. The Lamb seated at the right hand will open seven seals. All manners of plagues and famine and pestilence are about …

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Revelation Chapter 4

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 4 – The Throne, Sea of Glass, Four Beasts audio video notes. The word throne is found thirty-nine times in the Revelation. Twelve of the uses are found in chapter 4. The throne is the central thought of chapter 4, not the rapture! As heaven opens, perfection is always seen. This view of …

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Revelation Chapters 3

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapters 3 – Angel of the Church at audio video notes. The character of the Son of man is first revealed to the angel of the church at Sardis as the one who has the seven spirits of God. We have already had fourteen uses of ‘seven’ in chapters 1 and 2. An extremely …

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Son of Man audio video notes

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Son of Man audio video notes. To those knowing what the Son of man means, an immediate and tremendous insight is gained. It’s so sad how The Son of Man doesn’t mean much if anything to today’s Christian. THE REVELATION OF JESUS CHRIST – The Stone Cometh By Pastor Delbert Young Revelation – The Son …

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Revelation Chapter 2 audio video notes

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 2, Churches, Son of Man, Angel of the Church at – audio video notes. Chapters 2 and 3 of Revelation are not given the same attention other chapters are given. People expect the mysterious from the Revelation, not talking about churches. What does this tell us about church? However, there are some great …

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Revelation Chapter 1: How to See Jesus as the Son of Man

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Revelation Chapter 1: How to See Jesus as the Son of Man – Great Visions – The Cloud – This Generation – audio video notes. We have been trained to look for the exposure of the antichrist in the book of Revelation, but antichrist is not found. Even though the only writer who wrote about antichrists …

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Introduction 4 Great Visions: How to Interpret Revelation

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

Introduction 4 Great Visions Shortly Come to Pass audio video notes. No other Scripture part has proved as fascinating to theologians as the Revelation. It is impossible to grasp the Revelation unless we allow the Bible to interpret it. If we do not use the Bible, we will find ourselves using today’s news as our …

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The Stone Cometh Preface notes

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

The Stone Cometh Preface notes. Jesus said the Stone would come upon Judaism. Jesus said “this generation” (Mat 23:36) not a generation thousands of years following. Their antichrist system (1Jo 2:22; 1Jo 4:3; 2Jo 1:7) rejected the Stone, not our generation. However, their rejection did not stop Christ from being the Stone, the head of …

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The Revelation of Jesus Christ – How to Make Sense

The Revelation of Jesus Christ

The Revelation of Jesus Christ – How to Make Sense sermon series audio notes. Basically, are you looking for a revelation of The Revelation? Indeed, this might work for you. Specifically, this is a 27-session class taught by Pastor Young. Without a doubt, it is an eye-opener and a challenge to traditional theology. So, what …

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