A Better Way Than Our Cussing

Cussing Christians

A Better Way Than Our Cussing video audio notes. Do you think our cussing fuels domestic violence? A Christian should absolutely hate it when they cuss around their spouse. They should feel like such a failure and hypocrites. A cussing husband does not display himself to his wife as her noble knight. A cussing wife …

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Adjusting A Cussing Attitude

Cussing Christians

Adjusting A Cussing Attitude video audio notes. We spew filthy profanities all over the place. Our children will no doubt pick up and duplicate the cuss words. And, they will also no doubt pick up and duplicate the toilet attitude. We expose our own children to our inability to deal with daily annoyances, daily aggravations, …

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Cussing Attitude Silver Tongue or Toilet Tongue

Cussing Christians

Cussing Attitude Silver Tongue or Toilet Tongue video audio notes. Our mouths give us away. Looks are important in forming a favorable image and in today’s society looks can be manufactured using liposuction, beauty products, Wonder Bras, implants, and Photoshop. Yet, even if I am a Brad Pitt look-alike, but have a toilet mouth and …

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Cussing and Your Personal Character

Cussing Christians

Cussing and Your Personal Character sermon video audio notes. This is what happens to us when our PC – Personal Character – becomes infected with malicious viruses of obscenities, profanities, swearing, cursing, etc. If we’re going to truly address cussing, I believe the first issue we must admit is this: when profanities and obscenities come …

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The Net Parable: Embracing the Reality of the Great Divide

Parables of the kingdom

The Net Parable: Embracing the Reality of the Great Divide video audio notes. There is an angelic separation at judgment. Jesus emphasized the separation. His entire sermon has been about the good and the evil growing together. God allows evil, but a time comes when he makes a separation. The separation is inevitable. Little by …

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The Significance of The Leaven Parable – Audio Video Notes

Parables of the kingdom

The Significance of The Leaven Parable – Audio, Video Sermons – video audio notes. The message of the kingdom must get into a person. Once mixed into their life, it’s like leaven. It causes the person to rise! Once this message is in you, you will never be the same. You will nearly have a …

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Mustard Seed: Growing from Humble Origins to Great Impact

Parables of the kingdom

Mustard Seed: Growing from Humble Origins to Great Impact sermon video audio notes. The baby was raised in the most meager of means for 30 years in a town considered the wrong side of the tracks. Then there were the disciples so unqualified and inadequate, so fearful and faithless. It was the tiny mustard seed …

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Weeds and Wheat: Separating Good from Evil

Parables of the kingdom

Weeds and Wheat: Separating Good from Evil audio video notes. What happens to unbelievers around the believers growing in the good soil? What happens to those in the midst of true believers but only appearing to be real? Jesus explained with his next parable picking up where he left off. Matthew 13:25 But while everyone …

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Unlocking the Secrets of Friend At Midnight: Audio & Video

Friend At Midnight

Friend At Midnight audio video notes. This parable is about prayer. However, it is not a lesson on prayer for just anyone. It is for the disciple of Christ. Jesus is taking what they/we already knew/know about prayer and raising it to a new dimension. PARABLES OF JESUS By Pastor Delbert Young Friend At Midnight …

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Laborers in the Vineyard audio video notes

Friend At Midnight

Laborers in the Vineyard audio video notes. This parable is a difficult parable to interpret. This is partly because of today’s present dispensational theology and also partly because of the chapter break which disrupts the flow of thought. In this parable Jesus said, So the last shall be first, and the first last: for many …

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