Gift Of The Teacher Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Gift Of The Teacher. We are given more information about this gift than any gift. However, we see the teacher as the least important. More is said about Jesus teaching than anything He did. A teacher is recognized by teaching every place they go. The teacher’s passion is to teach others what he or she …

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Gift Of The Pastor Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Gift Of The Pastor. This term has become more of a governmental title than the title of a person’s true gifting and calling. There are pastors in every congregation who never stand behind a pulpit or preach from a platform. The pastor is outwardly recognized by their passion for gathering, recovering, and caring for God’s …

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Gift Of The Evangelist Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Gift Of The Evangelist – a person who brings glad tidings of God’s goodness and God’s salvation. How is this person recognized? They have a passion to bring people from every place into the kingdom of God through Jesus Christ. Their heart is to introduce every person they meet to Jesus Christ, and tell them …

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He Gave Gifts Introduction Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

He Gave Gifts Introduction. When Jesus ascended He gave gifts to people. We each are given something to help increase the body of Christ helping it to grow into maturity. People never grow and prosper because they never find their place and become planted in the correct place. We either release the gifts or we …

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Gift Of The Prophet Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Gift Of The Prophet. Much of what we conceive about a prophet is Old Testament. There is a difference between an Old Testament and New Testament prophet. These people edify people and the church. Gift Of The Prophet Audio Luke 13:33 Nevertheless I must walk to day, and to morrow, and the day following: for …

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False Prophets Because We Are Still Here

Prayer sermon video audio

False Prophets Because we are still here. As the end of 1999 came a new millennium closed in upon us. We began hearing the false prophets of doom declaring the end of the world was upon us. Was it?  Many people you know personally were predicting the end of the world and bad times upon …

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He Gave Gifts Study Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

He Gave Gifts Study. Jesus ascended and gave gifts to humanity – apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors and teachers. If Jesus gave them to humanity where did they go? Answer: They reside within each of us. One of these is a primary gifting given to you. One is a secondary. You have each of these in …

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Contagious Christian Part 6 Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Contagious Christian Part 6. There are 4 steps of faith involved in helping someone cross the line of faith. These are 1) access readiness, 2) pray, 3) celebrate, and 4) take the next step. Everyone responds differently. Encourage them to become involved with other believers. Encourage the person to read the Scriptures. Talk to them …

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Contagious Christian Part 5 Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Contagious Christian Part 5. What is being a Christian? Does the Scriptures make it clear the only way to come to God is through Jesus Christ? We look at the 4-major points of the Gospel message. We watched a presentation of the Gospel on video then practiced on each other how to help someone come …

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Acts Chapter 2 Part 2 Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Acts Chapter 2 Part 2. An amazing truth is it never says the apostles or the 120 people all spoke in 15 different languages. The miracle is people from 15 different countries HEARD them speak in their native languages. No place does the Scriptures teach the Holy Spirit gives us a foreign language we never …

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