Why Cry We Are Blessed Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Why Cry We Are Blessed. Angels asked Mary why she was weeping. Jesus asked her why she was weeping. He spoke her name and the weeping stopped. Jesus is speaking our names. Jesus told His disciples as the Father sent Him so send I you. Why Cry We Are Blessed Audio John 20:11-16 11 But …

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Sowing the Word Of The Kingdom

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Straight Talk 3 – Sowing the Word Of The Kingdom. Jesus said this is what we are to sow. This is what gives us a life producing thirty fold, sixty fold, and 100 fold returns. Though people continuously go around the same mountains, stay in the same wilderness, eat the same quail until it comes …

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Straight Talk 2 – God First and Heaven Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Straight Talk 2 – God First and Heaven. The Kingdom of God comes out of heaven and includes learning and implementing God’s ways. Our lives should become better and better. Jesus came to give us life and that abundantly. The goodness of God and the goodness of life should constantly ascend. The kingdom of God …

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Straight Talk Foundation Study Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Straight Talk Foundation Study. From time to time it’s good to reteach doctrine. There should be people in a congregation who need to hear what a church believes and teaches. Also, a teacher should grow and be able to show new truths he or she has learned. It’s also necessary for long-time members to hear …

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Coming Of The Lord Part 3 Audio

Coming Of The Lord Audio Series

Coming Of The Lord Part 3. The Thessalonians believed Jesus would come back in days. They asked Paul what happened to those who had died and the Lord had not returned. Would they never see them again? Paul explains the Lord will bring them when He comes and they will see their loved ones again …

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Straight Talk 1 – The Kingdom Audio

Carnal Mind Are We Neutralized audio video

Straight Talk 1 – The Kingdom of God “IS.” God brought you into it. It’s not of this world or of the natural realm. You have power over the devil. The purpose of the born again experience is not so we can die and go to heaven. It’s so we can see the kingdom of …

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Cast Out Demons Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Cast Out Demons Audio – Every Christ follower will encounter demons. The evil spirit will attempt to dominate. When it faces authority it will attempt to take control. Jesus never made a spectacle of a demon-possessed person. Cast Out Demons Audio Cast Out Demons Audio Mark 16:15-17 15 And He said to them, “Go into …

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Temple Of Solomon Pillars Audio

Temple Of Solomon Study Audio

Temple Of Solomon Pillars – We are the temple and house of God. We’re where God lives – the household of God. The temple has pillars. We each have these in our lives, but also we each are a pillar both in the house of God and in the lives of others. Temple Of Solomon …

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1 Corinthians Study Chapter 11:17-34 Audio

1 Corinthians Study Audio Series

1 Corinthians Study Chapter 11:17-34 Audio. Paul explains what happens when the table of the Lord is not properly received. Instead of discerning the body and working life when not properly discerned it works sickness and even death. 1 Corinthians Study Chapter 11:17-34 Audio 1 Corinthians 11:17-26 17 Now in this that I declare unto …

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Missions Witnessing Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Missions Witnessing – “Missions” is not a Scriptural/Biblical term. The Scriptural term is “witness.” The Greek word used for witness means martyr. Jesus didn’t tell his disciples to only talk to people about Him. He told them to give their lives for this thing. Missions Witnessing Audio Missions Witnessing Acts 1:8 but you will receive …

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