Is Repetition Prayer Bad? notes

Is Repetition Prayer Bad? notes. I find myself often praying about the same things day after day, night after night, and even year after year. How about you? In fact, it seems I even say the same words nearly verbatim night after night when I pray. I suspect you repeat prayers as well. Praying the …

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To Whom Do We Address When Praying?

To Whom Do We Address When Praying? notes. The Lord Jesus Christ turned traditional prayer upside down. He didn’t teach shuckling (rocking back and forth), useless liturgies, synagogue prayer, specific dress codes when praying, loud praying, or addressing prayers to one of the one-hundred and fifteen names of God. Instead Jesus specifically said to address …

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Introduction Prayer Issues Not Taught

Introduction Prayer Issues Not Taught notes. My prayer life is probably different when compared to the prayer life of most people. It’s not because I just want to be different. It’s because of self-study of the Scriptures, and the pastor/teacher occupational necessity I had to Scripturally teach people about prayer. There was also application of …

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Closet Prayer notes

Closet Prayer notes. Jesus began His teaching about prayer by telling us “But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, and when thou hast shut thy door, pray…” (KJV). Did He mean shut ourselves in a literal closet to pray. Of course not. We’ll take a look at other translations, do a Greek word …

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Prayer Issues Not Taught Series

Prayer Issues Not Taught Series notes. What about prayer can I possibly discuss with you or show you you’ve maybe not already discussed and received teaching? What could there possibly be concerning prayer you might not already know? Let’s list a few thoughts I have. These thoughts I seldom, if ever, hear or read about …

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Good News to Everyone Everywhere

Good News to everyone everywhere

Good News to Everyone Everywhere audio video notes. Jesus said he wanted us to tell the Good News to the whole world. In other words, there should be no one you know you haven’t told the Good News of the kingdom of God. What would GOOD NEWS be to someone who was sick? What would …

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Saw Covet and Took Chapter 7 Part 2

Hypocrite In Us All Joshua 9

Saw Covet and Took Chapter 7 Part 2. This is the travel of all sin. We see it, and covet it. Then we take it. It can be anything from adultery to stealing. Achan saw it, coveted  it, and took it. Then the Lord had Achan, his family, and all his possessions stoned and burned. …

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Purpose Seen Through Adam and Eve audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Purpose Seen Through Adam and Eve audio. We see in Adam the overcomer. We see in Eve the promised seed who will bruise/crush the head of the serpent. It is “he that overcometh,” not he that prays a sinner’s prayer, who will reign with Christ. It is a church who becomes pregnant with the incorruptible …

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Purpose Seen Through Noah audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Purpose Seen Through Noah audio. Through Scriptures, we see light and darkness, i.e. Christ and antichrists (plural). Likewise, at the same time God will elevate the righteous/light out of destruction, He will take the wicked. We take a look at the great tribulation, Antichrist, rapture, and the righteous reigning on the earth. Purpose Seen Through …

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Feast Of Israel Part 7 Unleavened Bread – Why Daddy audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Feast Of Israel Part 7 Unleavened Bread – Why Daddy audio. Our children should note we are not like the parents of their friends. We can tell them because we are getting the leaven out of our lives and houses. We take a look in this message at different types of leaven in the New …

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