Acts Series Chapter 1 Audio

Book of Acts Series

Acts Series Chapter 1. Jesus gave a specific command to His followers before the Ascension. It was to go to Jerusalem and wait for the promise. The promise was/is the Holy Spirit. The people were in one accord. Matthias was chosen to replace Judas Iscariot. Acts Series Chapter 1 Audio Audio Acts Series Chapter 1 …

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Book of Acts Series Audio

Book of Acts Series

Book of Acts Series. Luke, the author of the Gospel of Luke wrote this book as a continuation of the Book of Luke. It was written in A.D. 65 as a letter. It’s a story of the gospel being spread to the then-known world. It’s a study of over 30 messages. Book of Acts Series …

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Successful Parenting Workshop Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Successful Parenting Workshop. Raising children is no simple task. We talk about Keys Of Successful Parenting, They Call Me Dad, Conquering the Land Of Parenting, and Imparting Your Very Life. This was a workshop and includes some interesting questions and answers. Successful Parenting Workshop Session Titles Keys Of Successful Parenting When a child is born …

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Imparting Your Very Life Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Imparting Your Very Life. An important part of raising children goes beyond nursing them. It must include nursing and nourishing the child’s soul. We do this by imparting into them our souls – attitudes, thinking, manners, appearance, respect, etc. Imparting Your Very Life Audio Imparting Your Very Life Audio Imparting Your Very Life Audio 1 …

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Conquering The Land Of Parenting Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Conquering The Land Of Parenting. Properly disciplining a child is training, not punishing a child. Deciding when to allow a child to date should be determined by the child’s maturity. Having “the talk” should be done as soon as the child is able to understand. If the parent waits too long the child’s friends will …

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They Call Me Dad Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

They Call Me Dad. At what age should we discontinue “spanking” our children? I think from the ages 1 – 13, or during the adolescent years. The Hebrew word translated as “child” in Proverbs 22:6 is nāʿar and means a boy, lad, youth, retainer.  Dad is the leader of the family, not the driver of …

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Keys Of Successful Parenting Audio

The Gospel of Luke Chapter 6

Keys Of Successful Parenting. When a child is born a father and a mother is born. Raising our children is one of the most important things we do in life. One of the primary things we do as parents is to train our children to select a mate properly. Train them well for one day …

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Thy Kingdom Come 3 Audio

Lead Us Not Into Temptation Audio

Thy Kingdom Come 3. There are specific issues a church needs to pray about: 1- Pray for specific people; 2- Pray for families to be faithful; 3- Pray for the vision; 4- Pray for giving. Prayer is an act of devotion. We devote ourselves to prayer. We’ve heard of a devotional. It means to devote …

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Thy Kingdom Come 2 Audio

Lead Us Not Into Temptation Audio

Thy Kingdom Come 2. When we come into prayer we come into four basic militant attitudes: 1- my life; 2- My home; 3- My church; 4- My region. God has given me a special authority in these areas. This helps establish the priorities for my life. Thy Kingdom Come 2 Audio Audio Matthew 6:9 – …

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Thy Kingdom Come Audio

Lead Us Not Into Temptation Audio

Thy Kingdom Come Audio. Prayer is warfare. In the Greek the verb is before the noun. It’s actually “COME KINGDOM OF THY! We become militant. It’s speaking, activating and commanding. We are not praying for the kingdom to please come. Our thrust is to see the kingdom come to earth. We are not to go …

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